Sunday 18 March 2018

Why Does My Dog Like Some Dogs And Not Others?

Dogs are very similar to humans in many ways. One of those ways is how we interact with other people. Have you ever met somebody a immediately say to yourself I don't really care for her. Will the same thing can happen with your dog. Let's talk about some of the possible reasons for this. 

If you take your dog out for walks around other canines quite frequently you probably said to yourself my dog doesn't seem to like dogs that look like that or my dog doesn't seem to like the ones that act like this. Of course the question is always why? 

There can be a lot of different reasons. For example if you don't know your dog's history because he was adopted he may have had a bad experience with a dog that looked like that. Let me give you an example may be as a young puppy your dog was attacked by a large white dog. He will remember that and in the future he may not like big white dogs and will respond aggressively to keep that big white dog away when he sees it on the street. 

Another thing to consider is body language. As trainers we feel like we've learned a lot about dog's body language however there's a lot more to it that we will never know. Dogs communicate through body language and with their olfactory abilities. If the dog sees or smell something that isn't right with a particular dog again they may act aggressively. However on the other hand if they see our smell something that brings back good memories and will probably act friendly. 

Another possible reason why your pet acts aggressively to a new dog is in its efforts to protect you.. We really usually see this in a dog that hasn't been obedience trained well. Since obedience training develops the master dog relationship it gives the dog a leader to look up to. Without that training your pet assumes that it is the leader and needs to protect the other members of its pack. 

If your dog reacts badly to new dog's on a regular basis consider doing some obedience training and possibly some obedience training that includes positive reinforcement when your dog sees and comes into contact with other dogs. 

Remember with your future dogs to train at 4 months of age and socialize early to avoid this type of problem that always seems raises its ugly head somewhere between 12 and 24 months of age.


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