Sunday 11 March 2018

Five Basic Things To Start Teaching Your Dog

If you have a dog it does need some training. Depending on your lifestyle or what you expect from a dog will determine how much training you will do with it. Keep in mind that every dog does need some basic training to make it a good member of the family and a welcome addition to your home. 

1. Let's start with the sit command. Every dog should learn to sit for some basic good manners. In fact this is the first exercise most people teach their dog. 

2. The down command is next and it is probably the most import command that there is. The down command actually is the exercise that establishes you as the master. Yes when your dog will drop to the ground when you say "down" without you having to do anything else is the sign that your dog says you are the alpha.

3. The stay command really comes in handy on a bunch of occasions. Yes, there are times when your dog needs to do a stay. One example is when the Fed-Ex driver delivers your package or when the pizza mans brings your dinner. Having a dog that will sit and stay at the door with out running out is important. 

4. The come command can really be a lifesaver. Yes the come command can save your dogs life. Picture this, you open the door and the dog runs out and is heading straight for the street and a really bad meeting with a speeding car. You give a firm come command and your dog instantly turns and comes back to you. Collision avoided as well as a very sad day that you just might have experienced. 

5. Walking nicely on a loose leash is a very important exercise. One of the biggest complaints dog owners have is that their dog is dragging them down the street when going for walks. Some people even end up with a sore arm, elbow or shoulder which ends up keeping them from going on any walks at all. 

By teaching your dog these few simple basics will not make your dog the best trained dog in the neighborhood however it will give you a dog that is easier to control and more of a joy to be around. If you and your four legged companion enjoyed this training why don't you continue the training for a better, happier, well behaved dog?


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