Tuesday 27 March 2018

Backyard Dangers: What Dog Owners Should Be Aware Of

Every pet owner wants to make sure that their yard is a safe place for their pet to play. Unfortunately, there are all kinds of
danger that lurk in backyards. It's important for dog owners to be aware of these so that they can keep their pet protected.

One of the things that can be most dangerous to dogs is mulch. Many kinds of mulch are made from cocoa beans, and cocoa can be toxic to dogs. To make matters worse, dogs will find the scent very appealing. Make sure mulch is out of your dog's reach, or that the mulch you do use is dog safe.

Compost is great for your grass, but it's terrible for pets. It's full of molds, which can be toxic when eaten. It's important to store your compost in a safe place that your pet won't be able to access. Keeping it in a securely lidded container is a good idea.

Many types of plants can also be dangerous to dogs, especially ornamental plants. Lilly of the Valley can make pets feel very ill, and will likely cause them to vomit. Green tomatoes can also make dogs feel sick.

Other common plants you'll want to avoid include amaryllis, aloe vera, carnations, and ivy. Before planting a garden, it's a good idea to research plants and find out whether or not they're toxic. That way, you can allow your pet to roam your garden without fear.

There are also things you won't put in your garden that you'll want to watch out for. For example, many mushrooms are as poisonous to pets as they are to people. To be safe, you should pluck mushrooms the same way you would pull weeds. You don't want to risk your dog eating them.

Another thing you'll want to watch out for is litter. Many people dump trash like candy wrappers in backyards. These can be poisonous to pets, and can also be a cause of intestinal blockages. Clean your yard regularly, and make sure it's well fenced so that people can't easily dump trash there.

With a little work, you can make your backyard a paradise for your pet. All you have to do is research plants and keep your yard safe and clean. Follow this advice and you'll be able to let your pet play in the yard as much as you want.


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