Sunday 11 March 2018

Rules Are Good For Your Dog

Rules are good for your dog just like rules are good for your kids. We all like to know what the rules are up front and what we are allowed to do and what we aren't allowed to do. There is nothing worse than doing something and then finding out it's against the rules. So let's share those rules with your dog from the very beginning. 

1. Potty Training Rules, starting off with potty training rules we need to teach the dog from the very beginning that the place for it to eliminate is on the grass and not in the house. Dogs develop a preference for where they do their business and you should be helping your dog by allowing them to spend time on the grass. When your dog is in the house he should either be in a crate or attached to you with a leash so there are no chances for accidents. 

2. Furniture Rules are going to be up to you and your lifestyle. Some people allow their dogs on the furniture, other people don't. There isn't a right and a wrong, it simply is up to you. However if your dog is getting on the furniture and you would like that to quit simply tell him off as you grab the collar and pull the dog off of the furniture. You will be amazed doing this simple little exercise within 24 to 48 hours your dog will start staying off all by itself. 

3. Bed Rules are up to you. However I will tell you that we see a lot of aggression issues that are related to dogs sleeping in beds. Now after saying that I will tell you that there are millions of dogs sleeping in beds that are not a problem so it all depends on your dog, it's training, and if it knows its place in the pack. 

4. Walking Rules are important. Nobody wants a dog that is dragging them down the street. It's no fun to walk a dog like this and in fact most dogs that pull just don't get walked. When your dog doesn't get walked you end up with other problems because your dog needs to go for walks to burn off that excess energy and to build up serotonin in the brain. 

5. Barking Rules are easy. Barking is a huge complaint for a lot of dog owners but it's so easy to fix. As a dog owner you don't mind your dog barking to let you know that somebody's at the door are even when somebody's outside that shouldn't be. However none of us want a dog that's nonstop barking when it sees somebody or something and just won't quit. Teaching your dog to quit barking on command is an important exercise. 

So tell your dog what the rules are up front so that you and your dog can live in harmony. Then once he knows the rules start training him so he can be the perfect pet for your family.


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