Friday 23 March 2018

7 Different Causes Of Dog Aggression

Unfortunately dog aggression is a very common behavior issue that dog owners have to deal with. The aggression can be caused by several different things however and not receiving proper socialization before the age of 20 weeks is one of the most common causes. Here are several different causes of dog aggression.

1. Lack of proper socialization 

This is probably the most common problem when it comes to dog aggression. Puppies should always be properly socialized by the time they are 20 weeks old. 

2. Being isolated from human contact 

Believe it or not there are people that mistakenly believe that by isolating their dog from other human contact will be best for the dog and will create loyalty to the owner. This thinking is very wrong in fact what it does do is create a fearful aggressive dog. 

3. Excessive physical punishment 

People that are heavy handed with corrections and hit their young pups are very likely to find a dog that that is afraid of people and that actually may attack the owner as it gets older and is able to protect itself. 

4. Owner that does not provide proper training 

This is a very common problem. A new owner says we will train the dog later only to find that later never comes but the dog is still untrained and is now showing aggression. Obedience training is very important and creates the master dog relationship where the dog realizes that the master is the alpha of the pack, not the dog. 

5. Teasing from kids and people 

We have all seen this. Where kids coming home from school just can pass up the opportunity to tease your dog and really get it into defense mode. It could even be a nasty neighbor as well that just doesn't like dogs. 

6. Chaining 

OK this one is actually against the law in many locations around the country. You can visit to see if your city or state is included. Chaining creates aggression so don't do it. 

7. Attack from a dog 

If your dog was attacked by another dog then it may have some fear when it comes to other dogs. If that is the case you may see your dog showing aggression when another dog gets too close. Your dog is simply trying to act nasty and tough so that other dogs will stay away. 

If your dog is showing aggression you may have found the reason for that aggression right here in this article. Of course there are more reasons for aggression so this is not the complete list. 

If your dog is suffering from aggression be sure to contact a trainer or a canine behavior specialists to help you solve the problem as soon as possible. Aggression can be a serious problem and of course can create liability for you the dog owner.


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