Sunday 4 March 2018

Which Protein Is Best For Your Dog?

It's an age-old question when it comes to dog food. Should I feed a chicken, beef, lamb or vegetarian based dog food? In fact today there is even a bunch more proteins to choose from when selecting your dog's food.

Personally, I think I have gravitated to chicken based products over the years but I did that without really making a conscious decision to do so. It just happened that way.

One thing that I have found is that if we have a dog that develops allergies the first thing I do is switch foods. Yes if your dog is eating a beef based food and develops an allergy switch to chicken. If you are feeding chicken then try feeding lamb. I have found that the biggest percentage of times the allergy or even ear infection is caused by what you are feeding and a quick change can make all the difference in the world for your dog.

Over the years as my dogs have matured and become senior citizens I have seen some dogs that never had an allergy develop a food allergy in their older years. Usually when this happens with a senior dog I switch to a hypoallergenic dog food such as venison. I even had one dog that had to go to a vegetarian food to keep from having ear infections.

I have also seen a couple of kennel and training facilities that were feeding a fished based product but they actually needed to cook beef and vegetables to add to the food in order to give adequate protein to the food. My question was why are you feeding this product if it doesn't have the needed nutrition for the dogs. The owner told me that the fish based product actually kept down the odor of feces in the kennel.

I don't know about you but for me having to cook for 60 dogs each and every meal is more work that I want to do.

The final thing I would like to talk about is raw food. There are those dog lovers out there that feel raw is the only way to go. They actually will purchase raw food that includes the guts and organs from cows from rendering plants. I have never fed raw food but I do know many people who do and swear by it. They feel that this raw material is the best possible food for their dogs.

So pick a protein that your dog appears to enjoy and eats well and stick with it.


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