Tuesday 13 March 2018

Why Is My Dog Distracted By People On A Walk?

If your dog is distracted by people and everything else when you go for a walk there are a couple of possible reasons. We are going to talk about these reasons and what you can do to make those walks better.

The first reason your dog may be distracted is the fact that it's a puppy. Your puppy can easily be distracted and excited by anything, just like children for example. When your dog is still a pup distractions are something you're just going to have to deal with until you get that training perfected.

Reason number two for distraction if you have an adult dog is the fact it hasn't been trained well with the heel command. The heel command is a very important command for your dog. When your dog is heeling, there are no distractions he's busy working and doesn't have time to say hello to people passing by.

Of all the exercises that you will teach your dog the heel command probably takes the longest to perfect. It is also one of the most important exercises to maintain control of your dog. However your dog needs to do well with its other obedience exercise also so that you have a dog that is under control.

Have you heard the saying about a person that can not walk and chew gum at the same time? Well a nicely trained dog is very similar. When you give the heel command as you are walking down the street your dog may really want to say hello to everybody on the walk because but it can not because you have given a command to "HEEL".

Now you must remember that there are exceptions to every rule but the majority of the time your dog will be in the heel position and under control during your walks.

Now this article assumes that your dog is people and dog friendly. If you have a dog that is distracted by other people and is barking and trying to drag you toward them then you have another more serious issue. If this sounds like your dog you really need to find a canine behavior specialist or dog trainer that has experience with this type of aggression.

If you will take the time to train your dog well, I know you will be able to enjoy going on walks with your dog without any problems because of other people or dogs.


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