Saturday 7 October 2017

How To Keep Your Dog With Food Allergy Healthy And Happy

Once your dog has been diagnosed with some form of food allergy, a lot of changes will have to take place at home. Topping the list of these changes is, of course, a modification in your canine friend's diet. Certain food items and products with ingredients that your pet is allergic to will have to be replaced with different ones. You can also expect some medications and supplements to be introduced and there will also be changes in your dog's usual grooming activities.

Certainly, you will not be happy with these changes. There is also a high chance your dog won't be happy with these changes, particularly with his or her diet, especially for the first few weeks of introducing new food items or products. However, even with these changes brought about by your pet's food allergy, you can still make sure that your dog remains healthy and happy. Here are some tips that can help you achieve this goal for your canine friend:

Make sure everyone in your family is onboard with your dog's special diet and feeding instructions. Unfortunately, breaks in the food allergy control of your pet can happen simply because a member of the family gives in to temptation and feeds an allergy-causing food to your dog. Keep in mind that feeding your pup the wrong table scraps and adding broth or ingredients that are allergenic in your pet's food can negate all the benefits your canine friend was receiving from being on a special hypoallergenic diet.

• Coordinate with your vet regularly. Undoubtedly, your veterinarian was the one who identified the source of your dog's allergy through different diagnostic and assessment tools. Your vet also provided you all the instructions you have to follow to manage your dog's food allergy symptoms. To make sure that your pet is on the right track to recovery and continues to be healthy and happy, it is important that you and your dog regularly visit the vet. Your veterinarian can make necessary modifications to your pet's diet and even recommend a veterinary nutritionist or dermatologist if the situation calls for it.

• Carefully read the labels and ingredients of everything your dog eats or consumes. Most dog foods will advertise a specific type of meat or protein, but you still need to read the label carefully to make sure that allergenic proteins and other substances are not just placed on the lower part of the ingredient list. Aside from dog foods, follow this tip when buying dog treats.


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