Saturday 21 October 2017

A Great Medium Sized Companion - The Field Spaniel

The Field Spaniel is a fun, athletic, water-loving companion. Typically, they are 16 to 19 inches tall and weigh about 35 to 45 pounds. They are a sturdy dog that enjoys playing games and doing activities with the family. As a hunter, they do require a good fence to keep them in, as they will follow their nose and wander away. This breed is very child-friendly, however, it does not like rough and loud play. During these times, it will move to a quieter location and watch the activity till things settle down a bit. If you have a pool, watch out! The Field Spaniel loves water and to play in water. They will be happy to swim with you and the family! They have even been known to play with water in the water dish! An alert dog, the Field Spaniel will let you know when a stranger approaches, but should not be considered a watchdog. They may be aloof with strangers until they see that they are accepted by the family and then join in the fun.

With the typical spaniel coat, many people are concerned with grooming requirements. The Field Spaniel requires the least amount of grooming of all the spaniel breeds. That does not mean, no grooming! They do not have an undercoat, so the only fur is the long outer coat. this should be brushed a couple times a week, just to keep it tangle free and looking nice. The breed does not shed excessively, despite the long coat. Because of the flop over ears, you should check the ears for smells and redness about once a week. Brushing teeth two to three times a week will keep your Field Spaniel in top condition. Toe nails may need to be clipped, if the dog does not get enough activity to wear the nails down. The breed is an overall healthy breed, without any major medical concerns. The typical life span is about 10 to 12 years.

Field Spaniels are intelligent dogs and have an independent streak. This was developed to assist the hunters and allow the dog to perform well in the field. Since the Field Spaniel is now more of a family pet, they need to be socialized early and consistently into the type of companion you want. They enjoy playing, running, swimming, and expending energy with the family. This means that they are probably not a candidate for the apartment dweller. They will enjoy dog parks, where they can run and utilize their hunting instincts. This dog does not do well being in a kennel in the back yard, it requires interaction with people on a regular basis during the day. If left alone, it can become neurotic and destructive to property. A well socialized Field Spaniel is a great family companion.

The Field Spaniel is a medium sized dog, with lots of energy and loyalty to the family. It also loves water, so be prepared to get wet occasionally. The breed requires less grooming than most spaniels.

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