Monday 16 October 2017

Male Or Female: Which Makes The Better Pet?

While the breed of a dog can influence your decision on the most suitable canine pet, it is also very important that you consider the gender. This is a significant factor as male dogs have very different characteristics when compared to females meaning that the ideal pet is one that meets your criteria. This article will provide information on male and female dog traits and how the genders differ.

1. The Temperament

Male dogs are generally more dominant with a greater need for attention and affection. While a female can also be quite dominant they do not require large amounts of attention and their focus on human individuals can be rather inconsistent. This does not mean that female dogs are void of emotional attachment and many female canines can be extremely affectionate; however, they do prefer a detached relationship instead of a 'clingy' dog-owner situation.

2. Training Capacity

It is generally believed that a female dog is much easier to train when compared to a male dog. This is due to the fact that females are far more stable and are less likely to become distracted during training. Male dogs are completely alternate when it comes to training capacity. This does not mean that male dogs cannot be trained at all; it simply means that the male dog is more likely to remain playful and may find it difficult to concentrate on the task at hand.

3. Child-Friendly Features

Generally the ability for the canine to be an affectionate companion for children is dependent on the breed of dog; however, it is also important to consider the overall temperament of male and female dogs. The female dog, irrespective of breed, is less likely to provide high levels of affection but they are more nurturing and protective of children. The male dog is also rather protective, but they typically see the child as a playmate and will not behave in a nurturing manner at all.

4. Spaying And Neutering

While neutering a male dog can be rather costly it is less expensive than spaying a female. If you are working on a limited budget, as many people are these days, this should be considered when purchasing a canine. The difference in cost is based on the fact that female spaying is a far more complicated procedure than neutering. It is true that spaying and neutering are not always necessary, particularly if you are considering animal breeding; however, it is highly recommended as it can reduce aggressive behavior in addition to eliminating the chance of procreation.

The Final Decision

Finding the ideal pet dog can be very complicated; however, using the information above you can see that each gender has specific characteristics and temperaments. If you are looking for an active and attention-seeking animal it may be best to choose a male dog; however, if you are looking for a more stable animal it may be best to opt for a female dog. There is no 'best pet' when it comes to purchasing dogs and the best option is purely dependent on your specific needs.


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