Saturday 14 October 2017

Are Certain Breeds More Aggressive Than Others?

Yes, some dog breeds are naturally more aggressive than others. In fact these breeds have usually been bred to be that way for a reason like hunting or protection. However that does not mean that these dogs cannot be nice sociable pets with good training and the proper socialization when they are young.

I feel that dogs that you see that are overly aggressive and dangerous are not that way because of their breed, they are that way because of the way that they have been raised.

It is not unusual for an unknowing dog owner to get a puppy take it home and keep it in the house or in the backyard without any socialization. Not allowing your dog to be socialized is the way you create a fearful, aggressive canine.

Quite often I hear a dog owner say that their pet is not aggressive it is simply fearful. Well plain and simple a fearful dog is probably the most dangerous dog in many situations. Without their knowledge most dog owners create the fear in their pets.

There are several things that can help create a dangerous dog so let's discuss a few of them now.

#1 Lack of socialization like we already mentioned. Socialization MUST be done before the dog is 20 weeks old.

#2 Isolation - yes many dog owners isolate their dog in an effort to have a protective dog but what they are actually creating is a fearful dog that really doesn't show any bravery.

#3 Back tying - this is where you tie the dog up in the yard because you don't have a fence.

Sometimes people do this to keep the dog from destroying things in the yard. A much better option would be to create a 6x10 foot kennel in the back yard so that the dog is not tied.

Unless you are looking for a mean nasty dog, and most people are not then following these few simple pointers will give you a dog that you can enjoy no matter what the breed is.

Keep in mind that dogs like German Shepherds, Rottweilers, and pits are dogs that were bred and created for the protective nature however that does not mean that they can't be very sociable.

On the other hand Labradors for example that are sweet fun loving dogs can be aggressive and dangerous if not trained and socialized. In fact recently I saw some information that showed Labrador and Labrador mixes bite more people every year than any other breed.

Socialize, train and treat them well and you can have a great dog no matter what the breed is.


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