Thursday 5 October 2017

Why You Should Be Using Natural Dog Shampoos

It's wrong to use your own shampoo or your baby's shampoo on your dog's skin. The make-up of the human skin is quite different from that of dogs and so it's very important to stick to dog shampoos especially natural dog shampoos. Shampoos with fancy ingredients are bad for your dog's skin; if you doubt it, pay attention to your dog after bathing him with a cheap shampoo and spot the difference when you switch to natural shampoos. You would notice that with the cheap shampoos, your dog would usually more restless because of some of the harsh and harmful ingredients they contain.

Some of the reasons why you should opt for natural shampoos include the following:

Higher pH Value

They don't dry out the skin because they have a higher pH value. The ingredients used in making organic shampoos are very friendly and actually beneficial for your dog's skin and overall health.

Thorough Cleansing

Natural dog shampoos contain ingredients like essential oils that can help to thoroughly cleanse and protect their from dandruff, itchiness or flaking. If you are a true dog lover, then you would hate to see a poor dog suffer by being tested with harmful products. When you buy organic shampoos, you can be sure that a poor dog somewhere didn't have to suffer during product testing.

No Dyes and Colorants

Dyes and colorants are very bad for your dog's skin. When these chemicals come in contact with their skin, it causes them to itch and that's not all; it may lead to severe health problems for them. When you choose natural dog shampoos, you are able to avoid problems like this.

It's Safe for You

What is good for your dog is also good for you because you would most likely have a lot of direct skin contact with your pet hence the dangerous chemicals in the artificial shampoos may be harmful not only for your dog's health but for your own health as well.

Helps Treat Skin Conditions

Natural dog shampoos contain a number of healthy ingredients that can be used to ease their conditions. For instance, oatmeal helps to relieve irritation and itching. It can also help to reduce ticks and
fleas on your dog's skin. Organic shampoos give your dogs a very distinct shine that you may not find in dogs that are regularly bathed with artificial dog shampoos.

In conclusion, natural dog shampoos are cheaper and more cost-effective compared with the artificial products that are not only expensive, but harmful.


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