Wednesday 25 October 2017

Why Is Puppy Obedience Training So Important?

The bond between pet and owner can be a rewarding, life-affirming, and deeply enjoyable relationship. Unfortunately, it can also be a nightmare when a dog does not respect its owner and does not behave. There are a number of reasons why puppy obedience training is so important. Here are some of the most important benefits to keep in mind when deciding whether to sign your pooch up for some lessons in good behavior.

It's Good for the Dog

You might think that your dog would be happier just left to his own devices, but in fact, an obedient pet will have a much more enjoyable life. A dog that is well behaved and relaxed, even with other dogs or in big crowds of people, is more likely to be allowed to accompany the owner in these situations. This means that the dog can spend more time socializing, bonding, and running around in the world at its master's side. More importantly, a pet that has been through puppy obedience school is safer than one who can't be trusted to obey commands. Imagine that your dog slips its leash at a crowded intersection. A dog who has learned to obey its master's commands will heel and stay safe, while a dog who has not might run into traffic, risking injury or death.

It's Good for the Owner

Puppy obedience training is good for the owner for many of the same reasons it's good for the dog. An obedient pup will be a much more enjoyable companion. Even a mildly ill-behaved dog can be quite the headache for the owner. If it barks all hours of the night and keeps its owner up; if it chews on furniture and stains rugs or exhibits any other bad behavior, then the owner may be motivated to turn the dog over to a shelter.

Statistics show dogs that receive proper instruction as puppies are far less likely to be sent to a shelter or put down. In the worst case, a violent or aggressive dog could hurt someone, and the owner could be found legally liable for the injury. In fact, the majority of states now ascribe strict liability to owners, even if they had no reason to believe the dog posed a danger.

It's Good for Other Dogs

This doesn't just apply to the dogs your dog interacts with, though they certainly would prefer not getting bit or harassed as much as the next critter. A bad apple can ruin the whole bunch, and the more frequently misbehaving dogs cause problems in public, the more likely it will be that tighter restrictions are placed on all dogs. Don't let your dog be the source of anti-canine feelings in your community!

Puppy obedience training benefits the dog, the master, and society as a whole by fostering and preserving the harmonious relationship between the two species. Do everyone a favor and get your dog trained!


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