Monday 30 October 2017

Why Puppies Annoy Older Dogs

There are many reasons puppies like to annoy older dogs, and while most of them are innocent, such as boredom or bonding, the behavior can still stress out the animals and lead to a less than pleasant living environment. Understanding the behavior can help correct or avoid the behavior, teaching your puppy how to properly interact with the other dogs in the home. The following are a few of the most common reasons puppies annoy older dogs.

Lack Of Exercise
Puppies are like children, if you leave them inside all day with little activity they will become a ball of energy and wreak havoc. This is especially true for energetic breeds, such as Dobermans, Schnauzers and Golden Retrievers. Make sure your puppy gets enough exercise, with at least two long walks a day or several hours outside in the yard, running and playing. Once the puppy has had his exercise he is less likely to get out his puppy energy annoying and irritating the other dogs in the house.
Boredom - A Bored Puppy Is Trouble

Buy an abundance of puppy toys and entertainment options to give your puppy something to play with. Even if your puppy gets plenty of exercise, making sure they have things to play with inside can prevent them from seeking entertainment by annoying your older dogs. Try out a variety of options, toys that make noise, rattle, squeak, light up or move to find out what is his or her favorite, and keep them interested.
Start Obedience Training Early

One of the most common issues is that owners underestimate their puppies ability to learn and wait too long to start obedience training. Start obedience training as early as possible in order to teach your puppy self-control and discipline. Starting earlier will help you be able to teach your puppy and establish boundaries between your dog's much easier.
If you see your older dog is getting annoyed, make sure you stop your puppy, admonishing him in authoritative voice. Send him to his bed, or order him to sit and stay allowing the older dog time to find a quiet spot to rest.

There are many reasons puppies annoy older dogs, but thankfully most of the time the behavior can be corrected with a little care and training. So get out there and spend some time exercising your pup.


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