Tuesday 3 October 2017

Symptoms To Detect Different Intestinal Worms In Dogs

Educating yourself with the symptoms of the intestinal worms in dogs, may help a lot to protect your furry pal from any of the intestinal worms. Different worms show different signs, knowing about them helps you provide proper treatment for your lovable companion. Find here how to detect different intestinal worms through signs and the treatment to control them in your pets.

How To Detect Roundworms in Your Dog?

Vomiting and diarrhoea are the most common signs that show that your dog or puppy is suffering from roundworms. With a pot belly appearance, they may look dull and unhealthy. Sometimes, they may also pass whole roundworms in droppings. You may find these worms in your dog's poop, which are approximately four to two inches long, spaghetti-like and white. Though roundworms are not life threatening, they can cause discomfort and make your pet sick for several days.

How to Detect Hookworms in Your Dog?

Common signs of hookworms are itchy feet, a rash on dog's feet, diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, coughing and wheezing, nausea and bloody or black poop. When in advanced stage, hookworms can cause anaemia and death. Hookworms are difficult to detect and if puppies are infected, they can even die. Therefore, consult a vet immediately if any of the symptoms are found in your dog or puppy.

How to Detect Tapeworms in Your Dog?

Infection of tapeworms can result into nervousness, abdominal discomfort, itching around the anus, weight loss and vomiting. Too much itching may result in your dog's scooting its bum along the ground. You can find segments of tapeworms in your dog's poop. These segments are small, wide and flat and look like sesame seeds or uncooked rice grains.

How to Detect Whipworms in Your Dog?

Whipworms get transferred to dogs when they eat infected poop or litter as whipworm eggs can survive in both. Whipworms are very hard to detect as they rarely appear. The presence of these worms in your dog causes recurring diarrhoea (sometimes may be bloody), anaemia, weight loss and colitis (inflammation of the large intestine). Regularly check your dog's poop if the symptoms continue, as whipworm eggs may appear irregularly.

Treatment for Canine Intestinal Worms

Worming preventive is the best option to protect dogs and puppies from intestinal worms. If deworming treatments are not given and your dog is found infected, it is crucial to take your pet to a vet at the earliest. Proper treatment over time will help to eliminate worms and effectively kill all live and dormant larvae and eggs. It is always important to treat your pets with worm control treatments to protect them from harmful gastrointestinal worms.


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