Monday 30 October 2017

Know These Common Mistakes That Dog Owners Often Make

Nobody is perfect, this also applies to pet owners, they often make mistakes when training their dog. Poor dog owner training can lead to some dog behavior problems. If you are training your dog, learn these common mistakes and how you can avoid them!

Most Common Mistakes You Must Know

Leaving Your Dog Alone Too Much: Do you know that pets need attention, they want to spend time with their owner. Leaving them alone too much can lead to behavior problems. Even if you are very busy, make sure that you still spend time with your dog every day.

Inconsistent Training: As you are reading previous articles explaining about dog training tips, you already know that being consistent is very vital. Inconsistent training can lead to behavior problems.

Chaining A Dog: Some dog owners are too cruel, they keep their dog by chaining them. Don't do this, chaining a dog is not a good way to teach your dog. If you don't have a secure fence, there is still a solution available for you. You can keep your dog in the house crated.

Don't Yell: If you are constantly yelling at him, it will lead to behavior problems too. It is very normal that we may lose our temper from time to time, but yelling is not a solution.

Crating Them Too Long: Keeping him in the house crated seems a good idea, but if keep your dog in a crate for hours and hours, this can be dangerous. Doing this can affect his muscle tone and growth.

Reinforcing Bad Behavior: We often do this, but we don't realize it. Reinforcing bad behavior is a very serious issue. If you want to teach your dog about good habits, don't do this.

Hitting Your Dog: Hitting your dog or swatting him with newspaper is definitely a bad idea. As a dog owner, it is important not to set a bad example in front of your dog.


When you are training your dog, you must realize that changes won't happen overnight. It takes time until you can see the real result. Training a dog can be very fun if you know how to start. There are many dog owners who can share their experience with you. By learning some common mistakes that dog owners often make, you will be able to avoid these mistakes, helping you to teach your dog in a correct way.


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