Wednesday 11 October 2017

5 Popular Dog Breeds And Some Health Problems That They Are More Prone To Suffer

The most popular dog breeds each have potential health issues that are common to their breed. Increased knowledge of the predisposed or more common health problems of a breed can sometimes make us more aware and enable us to be more pre-emptive and proactive should a problem occur.

Below are five breeds and their commonly associated health issues. This is not an exhaustive list and should never be used as a guide for diagnosing health issues in your dog. Any suspected health problem should be properly diagnosed and treated by a veterinary professional.

German Shepherds

Whilst it is more commonly known that this smart and active breed require a lot of stimulation and exercise to keep them in peak condition, they are also prone to the following conditions:

  • Hereditary canine hip dysplasia - a condition that is due to a deformed hip socket that can lead to lameness or arthritis.
  • Chronic eczema- studies have shown that this common non-contagious skin disease that is estimated to be prevalent in 3-10 percent of dogs has a higher incidence rate within the German Shepherd breed.
  • Keratitis - This is a disease of the cornea of the eye and German Shepherds are more prone to the affliction than many breeds of dog.

Jack Russell Terriers

Jack Russell Terriers commonly live a lot longer than many breeds and regular exercise will help them to keep healthy. Health problems common to Jack Russell's include:

Glaucoma - This can lead to a gradual loss of vision

  • Epilepsy - Jack Russell Terriers have a higher predisposition to epileptic seizures than many other breeds.
  • Hernias - Sadly hernias are more commonly seen in Jack Russells than many other breeds.

Labrador Retriever

This smart and affectionate breed benefits highly from a lot of exercise and this helps to keep their weight down which strongly contributes to avoiding the cardiovascular problems commonly seen in overweight retrievers.

Other health problems associated with Labrador Retrievers include:

  • Hip C - In common with German Shepherds and other large breeds
  • Cataracts - Cataracts are common within the breed but can usually be surgically removed.

Lhasa Apso

These lovely little dogs require a regular grooming routine to avoid tangles and associated fur issues.

Health issues common to the Lhasa Apso include:

  • Eye problems - The Lhasa Apso breed more commonly suffer from dry eyes, corneal ulcers and cataracts than many other breeds and owners should keep a particular watch in this area.
  • Renal dysplasia - This is an inherited kidney disease that is found to be more common in the Lhasa Apso breed.


This engaging breed, commonly affectionately associated with the popular Disney movie that carries its name is more prone to the following health issues than many other breeds:

  • Deafness - This is a common hereditary defect associated with the Dalmatian breed
  • Kidney stones - Dalmatians are commonly more afflicted with kidney stones than many other breeds.

To help to relieve the effects of Hip Dysplasia and Joint pain that can effect dogs of all ages, a supplement of Glucosamine can be given.


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