Thursday 5 October 2017

Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds For Allergic People

There are a number of hypoallergenic dog breeds for allergic people that will be perfect for you and your family. Some people are allergic to the dander (flakes of dead skin), as well as the saliva and urine.

Here are some dog breeds that can be in your home if you are allergic. I am sure you will be find a companion for you.

Afghan Hound

The Afghan is the aristocrat of the dog breeds. He has an aloofness about him. This is a dog that needs attention and cannot be left unsupervised for long periods of time.

He is social with other dogs if he has been socialized as a puppy. He is a hunter and can hunt smaller pets. He needs a lot space so an apartments life is not for him. He needs to be exercised daily. These dogs need a gentle leader that will always take the lead.

Bichon Frise

This is an amazing family pet. He has such a cute teddy bear face and is great with children. He loves to play and is very sociable, they are always happy and are very gentle.

The only draw back is that they do suffer from separation anxiety and cannot go for long periods of time on their own. So if you are going to be away for long periods at time, this dog is not for you.

The Bichon is a very active dog and they do need a lot of exercise as they are normally high energy dogs. They will love walks and playing with you.


This beautiful crossbreed is intelligent, friendly, and affectionate towards people and other dogs. This breed does not shed but does require grooming about every 6 weeks. At eight weeks old, your puppy is ready to do some training,

Start your training at this age and not older as they then become more headstrong, start taking him to puppy kindergarten class between 10 to 12 weeks if you can.

When it comes to grooming these are high maintenance dogs and needs to be brushed at least every second day with a slicker brush. Keep their ears dry and clean as they are prone to ear infections.


You do pronounce it as "show-low-eats-queent-lee." This dog has also been called the Mexican Hairless. They grow to 1 foot, 6 inches to 1 foot, 11 inches tall at the shoulder.

If you are a first time dog owner I would not suggest that you get this breed of dog as they do need a lot attention and hate being alone. They love being with the family but are somewhat intolerant towards other dogs.

They are easy to train as they are intelligent, but are barkers and if left to do their own thing they could wander off.

There are a lot of families missing out on knowing what it is to have a dog love you and you loving it right back. However there are dog breeds out there for those who love dogs but are allergic to dander. Come and see a few breeds that could share your home.


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