Friday 29 June 2018

Do Dogs Have Emotions

There is no doubt that animals have emotions like humans. Dogs are man's best friends and they feel happy when you are happy and they even miss you when you are not at home. They express happiness by wagging their tails. They feel sad when a pack member passes away. And they feel love for each and every family member. But it is important to keep in mind that these emotions are totally different from humans.

Feelings of dogs are not associated with complex thoughts. They don't have doubts or motives. Their emotions are honest and pure. Your dog is never lying when expressing love to you. It is very hard to believe that dogs have emotions but it is true.

Which emotions do dogs have?

Most people can easily read their dogs emotions. For example when you come home from work your dog dances around you wagging his/her tail and you say my pup is really happy. Dogs also have the ability to understand the languages of humans. According to science dogs have the same brain structure as humans and they can produce the same hormones in the same way as humans during emotional states. Dogs also have oxytocin hormone which is secreted in humans when they feel love or affection about others. With the same chemistry and neurology it seems reasonable to say that dogs have the same emotions like we humans do.

Do they feel grief?

There are many evidences that show that dogs have the same emotions of humans when grieving. They feel sad when their owner passes away. They won't eat for days, they won't play etc. Dogs may mourn deeply just like humans do. Grief is one of the basic emotions in dogs according to the pet experts. Dogs feel sad when they are separated from their playmates and owners and you can observe this; dogs move slowly, they don't eat and sleep more. These are the common symptoms. There is a huge attunement between dogs and humans not only in terms of body language and each other gestures but emotionally as well.

According to some of the owners two dogs which lived in a household for a number of years, miss the other dog that died. Owners report that when one dog died the other gets very depressed. The surviving dog will search for the other dog around the entire house. This shows that the dog misses its playmate and pack member. Dogs have unique personalities however in the same situation they can react differently.


Obedience Training Is Great For Your Dog

Owning a dog is a great way to have a constant companion, but you need to realize your companion can easily get hurt if he does not listen to you. This is when you should know how important obedience training is for your dog. When you start to realize just how important this is, you will want to get your dog enrolled in the first training course that you can find and ensure he is properly trained.

Obedience training is the way to establish the master-dog relationship. It allows the dog to learn what is right, what is wrong, what you'll tolerate and what you won't tolerate. Quite often I hear people say I don't need obedience training because I don't want Fido to be a show dog he simply a pet. Obedience training is in for show dogs obedience training is for well-behaved pets.

Having a well-behaved pet will allow you to take your dog places that poorly behaved dogs can't go. Having a well-behaved dog will allow you to go for nice walks through the neighborhood without your dog acting like to Cujo and wanting to attack everybody and everything he sees.

So how does your dog get obedience trained, simple you're going to do it. There are several different ways to go about having your dog trained but the best and easiest is to use the help of a professional dog trainer. There are several options even when you use a trainer. You might consider group obedience classes, which I feel are probably the worst choice because of all the distractions. One of the better options is private lessons in your home because that's where you want your dog to be the most well-behaved. And then of course there's the board and train option that's where you send your dog off for four weeks have somebody else train it and they send you back a well-trained dog.

The board and train option is great if you simply don't have the time are the desire to do any training. You'll have a professional who will do the training for you and if you choose the right trainer you will actually guarantee that your dog will do a certain list of exercises. When your dog completes the training the trainer will teach you how to handle the trained dog. Does that sound simple, it is.

However if you asked me which method I prefer it will be private lessons every time. That allows you to do the training and for your dog to learn to recognize you as the master and the alpha of the pack. Remember a well-trained dog is something that you will enjoy all of its life and a poorly trained dog is something you will regret ever getting.

Happy training!


Thursday 28 June 2018

Does Your Dog Belong Inside Your Home Or Should It Remain Outdoors?

There's nothing more exciting than getting a new dog. Humans are known to love dogs, their friendly and loving nature makes them the number one pet. However, there has been an ongoing debate as to whether a dog should stay inside or outside the home.

Some would say that dogs belong outdoors because they are dogs. Many dog owners have considered letting their dogs in but the dog start to wreck things, poops and even pees inside the house, while also destroying some of the furniture. However, you need to consider the reasons why your dog is doing these things? The most logical reason is the fact that your dog has never been trained.

Most true dog lovers feel the dog should not be left outside alone, because are pack animals and they need the love and attention of their pack, you. Quite often I refer to dogs that live outside as living lawn furniture. Typically what happens with the living lawn furniture is we run out and make sure it has water, open the door and stick its food on the porch, then run back inside before the dog jumps on us.

Wouldn't you and your family prefer to have a dog that you can actually enjoy. A dog that knows right from wrong and has been obedience trained as well as properly house trained. I know your dog would enjoy it and prefer to be living in the house with you.

Training a dog to be a part of your family and living in your house is actually very simple. You can accomplish this by simply starting from the time that you bring the puppy or dog home. You will start the house training process immediately. Of course as with any young creature it has lots of energy so if you have a young dog that needs an active lifestyle you'll need to get outside and play with it and take a prolonged walks.

Training at this point is a must. Find a local dog trainer or AKC dog training club to help guide you through the process. Having the help of a professional trainer makes the whole process so much easier. Their experience can give you answers to many of the questions that you may have about your dog.

Take the time to train your dog and you and your family will have a companion that you can enjoy for a long time. A companion that you can be proud of and trust to be a good member of your family.


Pain May Cause Aggression In Dogs

Aggression in dogs is actually quite unusual. Dogs are generally friendly, sociable creatures that enjoy spending time with people and with each other. When a dog shows aggression, there is always a reason for it. Behavior doesn't happen in a vacuum. There is always cause and effect, even if the cause does not seem to be very important to us as human beings.

Just as with people, aggression in dogs is usually a sign of insecurity. This can be caused by a number of different things. A very small dog may be aggressive simply as a way of being safe. We've all seen little dogs, such as Chihuahuas, that always display a defensive or even aggressive stance. The reason for this is that these little dogs want to prevent being hurt. They feel that the best defense is a good offense.

Insecurity in dogs can be caused by many circumstances. A change of household can cause a dog to feel insecure. This can mean moving from one house to another with its owner, changing owners, adding a new baby or new pet to an existing household or any other change.

One change that can definitely make a dog aggress is pain. If you have a dog that has always been friendly and non-aggressive who becomes aggressive suddenly for no apparent reason, the first thing you should do is make an appointment with your veterinarian. Your dog may be ill or injured or even heavily infested with fleas. All of these things can cause pain and discomfort that will make your dog take a defensive or even aggressive stance to prevent being hurt.

An older dog may become aggressive due to problems such as arthritis. Your vet can prescribe medications that will relieve your dog's pain and help him or her feel secure once more.

A dog that stays outdoors and does not have a lot of supervision may be injured in a number of ways. If you are foolish enough to let your dog run around loose, you can expect him or her to be hit by a car. This does not always result in severe, life-threatening injuries. A sprain or bruise hurts just as much for a dog as it does for a person and may cause your dog to show aggression to prevent being hurt more.

Dogs that are heavily infested with fleas may also be very aggressive. Flea nests cause severe itching, allergic reactions and even pain. Being infested with fleas can literally drive a dog crazy. If you are not treating your dog regularly for fleas and he or she begins to show aggression for no apparent reason, suspect fleas and see your vet for proper treatment.

Remember it is always important to consult your veterinarian about behavioral changes in your dog. No amount of behavior management or training will help if your dog is ill, injured or in pain for any reason at all.


Wednesday 27 June 2018

Dog Training: The ART of Communicating with Your Dog

A video from Zak George on how to learn how to train your dog better by knowing how to communicate with them!

Strengthen The Bond With Your Dog

The relationship an owner has with its dog is a special one. People who do not have dogs cannot understand the love that can exist between a dog and its owner. Truthfully, having a strong bond with a dog is not hard work because they do not understand conditional love like humans do. They love in spite of all mistakes an owner makes. Nevertheless, there are things an owner can do to increase the bond they have with their dog.

It goes without saying that spending time with your dog is crucial to having a strong bond with them. They crave time with their owners. They can go days without seeing an owner, but the moment they see their owners their eyes light up. It is as though they immediately forget about the time they were apart.

Training your dog is another good way to increase the bond with your dog. If the dog is well trained, the owner will feel more comfortable about giving them more freedom to roam and be themselves. And, they will enjoy their time together more. However, if the dog misbehaves the owner will be more inclined to keep the dog leashed up and will be more apt to be frustrated with the dog. This is not a good combination for a positive relationship with the dog.

Playing with your dog is another good way to increase your bond with them. Playing fetch, running in the back yard and wresting are all good activities to do with a dog. They love interacting with their owners this way. And, it will burn off some extra energy as well.

When your dog does misbehave it is important to keep your temper in check. They may very well deserve to be disciplined, but it is not a good idea to be violent towards the animal. Losing your cool and becoming violent can cause great harm in the relationship with your dog.

Communicating clearly with your dog is another good way to increase your bond with them. You will want to be persistent in using your commands and signals with them. With proper training of signals and commands, you will feel confident your dog will obey.

Having a strong bond with your dog is not really a difficult task. In fact, they will probably love you no matter what. But, in order for you to feel the same, you need to make sure these steps are followed so you will have a well-trained dog that you can build a relationship with.


Tuesday 26 June 2018

Dog Training Can Eliminate Problems

Part of being a responsible dog owner, and in loving your pet, is training your dog. Behavior problems can be reduced or eliminated entirely when a pet owner takes the time to learn proper dog training techniques.

1. Get Advice From Professional Training Sites

Before you begin training your pet, do some research. One excellent way to gain the information you need is to review dog training sites online. There are a multitude of quality dog training sites that offer all the information you need to begin training your dog.

2. Set Realistic Goals

If you bought and brought your dog home two weeks ago, don't expect it to be trained within the month. Proper training means you're giving your pet enough time to adjust to his surroundings and to adjust to you. Once he or she feels comfortable, he or she is more open to dog training.

3. Be Patient

Once you begin training your pet, it's important to be patient. This ties into setting realistic goals. Your dog can be trained, but not all dogs are the same. Some pets learn faster than other pets. Be patient and realize that with persistence, the training will come.

4. Don't Forget About The Rewards

Whenever your dog makes progress, be sure to give a reward. One typical reward is a healthy treat that your dog loves, however an abundance of praise can accomplish the same effect for your dog.

5. Keep Track Of Your Pet's Progress

It's fun to see how far you've come with dog training. The easiest way to do that is to keep track of your pet's progress. Purchase a notebook and maintain a log of what you are training your dog to do. Record the dogs progress as well as whatever he or she has mastered.

6. Don't Forget A Proper Diet And Exercise

A dog is more amenable to training when he or she has been nourished. Don't forget to feed your dog a good diet to keep him or her sharp and alert. In addition, make sure your dog is getting the proper amount of exercise. Just like with humans, a healthy diet and exercise make for a healthy dog who is ready to be trained.

Don't forget to have fun. Dog training is serious, but don't overdo it. Reserve time to get down to business, but be sure there's plenty of time for love and playtime, as well.


Top 5 Dog Training Tips For Dog Owners

Training a dog can be a fun process, but the results can be good or bad depending on how you approach this task. Before you start training your pet, there are a number of steps that you need to follow. Begin by identifying the things that your dog is capable of doing and what it is not able to do. Another factor is how you train your pet, which is why you have the following top five training tips.

1. Understand the abilities of your pet and set reachable goals. Dogs are trained to do different things. That is why you need to identify the strong points of your dog and its weaknesses. This will help you identify the right tricks for your dog.

2. Training your pet regularly. Once you know what your dog is capable of doing, start training your dog consistently using short 10 - 15 minute sessions. However, even though you are training your dog consistently it is necessary that you give it a command only once. You want your dog to learn to respond immediately to your commands.

3. Do not frustrate your dog by training it for too long. Training your dog for more than 15 minutes at a time is not advisable. That is because your dog will get bored quickly and be less responsive.

4. Reward your dog. Rewarding your dog is good way of building motivation. However, don't overdo it. Make sure that any food reward comes after the entire training session and not after it accomplishes each exercise.

5. Be patient. Even though training a dog is fun, it may take longer than you might expect. Continue training your pet, but be sure to be patient.

Learn how to train your dog and the best way to do it is by following these tips. A lot of people hire professionals to help train their dogs and provide guidance and motivation for you during the training process.


Monday 25 June 2018

Understanding How To Keep Your Dog Happy

Your dog relies upon you for care and feeding. You'll want to give your dog the best possible care and the highest quality food that you can afford.

Give your dog love, care and devotion. Take time every day to spend time with your dog. Pet him, take him for walks and give him a lot of affection.

Your dog will respond in kind. He will give you love and affection back. Dogs want to be a part of the family and a loved and treasured family member.

Your dog will need play time, walking time and rest time. He will love a day with plenty of exercise so get him a few toys and teach him how to play with them.

A good game of fetch or tug of war should be ideal for getting things started. After play time he will need a small snack so have a few dog treats handy to give him.

Go into some rest time and take an afternoon siesta before the evening meal. An after dinner a walk will round thing out nicely.

When you treat a dog with plenty of love and affection you'll be given love and affection in return. Your dog wants to please you and given the opportunity, he will.

When dogs are puppies it can be more challenging to keep him happy. Puppies seem to have boundless energy so it's important to have plenty of activity to keep him going until he is worn out.

Put your favorite shoes, your slippers and anything leather such as purses, camera bags and the like up out of reach. Your puppy will require some special chew toys so that he won't be tempted to nibble on your more valuable things.

Keep him busy, walk him often, give him time to play with the kids and take a nice walk. Be sure to allow him some sniffing time, dogs have a thing about sniffing where other dogs have been and it's part of his learning to sniff and smell things.

Avoid locking the dog up in the house all day, dogs require some attention and it's not fair to the dog. Also, avoid keeping the dog on a chain all day long, it's not fair to the dog either. If you're going to be gone a lot, consider a dog sitter, a dog run or a pet care center for your beloved pet.


Good Health For Your Dog

People who take care of dogs are responsible for making sure their pet is as healthy as possible. This is not always as easy to do as you might hope. Animals do not speak about their discomfort and will go out of their way to hide the pain. Additionally, there is not always a lot of easy to understand information regarding what they need.

However, there are some things that are absolutely easy to comprehend and carry out when it comes to your canine companion. One of those is the importance of regular exercise. Animals need to move around. In the wild, their wild relatives are on the move much of their waking hours. While your dog does not need to roam the land for food, they do still need that movement.

There are a few things that you can do to help make sure that your dog gets all of the activity needed for a long and healthy life. One of them is to take your animal for long walks regularly. The size and health of your dog will determine what is a long or short walk. However, the length of time it takes for a dog to do it's business is not really exercise.

Your dog needs to feel strong but tired when done with the walk. If you are going to walk when it is hot or you will be out for long, make sure that your dog will have access to water. If there are not sources on your route, take along water for your animal. You do not want your pet to become dehydrated in the name of health.

You can also spend time playing fetch or tug with your dog on a regular basis. You can do this if you are in or out, depending upon the size of your dog and the area you have available.

The amount of food you feed your animal should consider their exercise levels. Those who are not accustomed to a great deal of activity should not be fed as much as those who are continually on the go. Pay attention and follow the recommendations of your vet.

When you have a dog, it is your responsibility to take care of it. Proper feeding and exercise go hand in hand to provide a healthy life for your pet. You will feel good about taking the time to do it.


Sunday 24 June 2018

Be The Leader Of Your Dog's Pack

Dogs are pack animals and, as a result, they are respectful of the leader of their pack. Typically, it is a puppy's mother who is their first pack leader. She trains them to obey from the moment they are born by controlling when they eat. When you are a dog owner, you must assume the role of pack leader. Otherwise, your dog can become disobedient and controlling.

The way to claim your role as pack leader is to exert gentle control the moment your puppy or dog enters your home for his or her first day of living with you. Get to know your dog's disposition. This should be easy enough, as you can tell when some dogs are natural people lovers, dog lovers or both.

Whatever your dog's nature appears to be, you let him or her know you are in charge. After all, you are going to be the one feeding them. They understand, instinctively, that they need to you to survive.

One way to enforce your pack leader role is to try to walk your dog before you give him or her a feeding. You will notice, while out on a walk, your dog wants to claim ownership of territory. Try not to let your dog "claim" every inch of grass or sidewalk. A firm, but gentle "Leave it" command will teach your dog you intend for him to walk.

Once you are home, go ahead and introduce the meal to your dog. Be sure he or she is not jumping or begging for food. Never give your dog a meal or a treat, especially, unless the dog is behaving calmly and with respect for you.

Another useful command to teach your dog is the "Wait" command, which can also be signaled using your hand. Simply put your hand up with your palm facing your dog, as if you are directing traffic to stop. You tell your dog to "Wait" and see to it that he or she does before resuming your activities.

If your dog gets excited about playing or walking, sometimes he or she may beg for you to take him or her out. A simple "Wait" will remind your dog that you are the one in charge and that the dog must be calm and well mannered before anything else. Be a true pack leader for the sake of your dog and everyone else.


Statistics Vs Circumstance: Why Mutts Tend To Be Healthier

The choice between purebred dogs and mutts is a difficult one for a lot of owners to make. Good and bad experiences with individual dogs tend to give owners strong preferences. Not all aspects of this debate are subjective, though. When it comes to health and longevity, mutts have some undeniable advantages over their purebred compatriots.

The Stakes And The Biases

When it comes to dog health, people who prefer purebreds to mutts have definite opinions. So do dog owners with the opposite preference, though. Veterinarians are often called on to be the tiebreakers in this debate, and they come down over and over on the side of the mutts. This is nothing that purebred fanciers like to hear, but it appears to be the truth: Since their genetic backgrounds are much more varied, mutts tend to suffer fewer severe health effects over the full course of their lives. Some important caveats have to be made in order to justify this point of view, though.

The Facts About Adoption

Dog owners who are down on mutts have no difficulty in summoning up anecdotal stories about those shelter adoptions that saddle new owners with thousands of dollars in veterinary costs. It's true, many rescued dogs have health problems ranging from the incidental to the severe. The thing that's often glossed over by the pro-purebred side of the
debate, though, is that dogs coming out of breeders' puppy mills often have significant health problems of their own. There is one significant truth here: mutts adopted from shelters do have a high rate of infection with communicable diseases. Bear in mind, this is really all about the shelters, though, not the mutts themselves!

The Drawbacks Of Genetics

Where mutts have the true advantage over purebred dogs is in their much more varied, robust genetic background. Keeping a particular breed pure inevitably involves a lot of inbreeding and a lot of other measures that reduce genetic diversity. This doesn't just mean that certain breeds are predisposed to certain problems, (although that's certainly the case - hip dysplasia, for example, is chronic in purebred Bulldogs) it means that purebreds are, across the board, statistically more likely to suffer from hereditary health problems.

While mutts do have the odds stacked in their favor when it comes to hereditary issues, it's important for owners to remember that this is all about statistics across very large populations. Although fewer mutts have these problems, that's a long way from saying that mutts are immune to them. As always, responsible owners need to focus on the particular needs of their own pets and make sure their health is safeguarded as much as possible.


Saturday 23 June 2018

Tips On How To Pick A Healthy Puppy

Are you considering getting a puppy? If you are, then you will want to pick a healthy one. With that said, here is some advice on how to pick a healthy puppy.

The first thing you will want to do is inspect the puppy's head. Take a look at the nose, as it should be moist and cool and if the puppy is sneezing frequently or there is nasal discharge, then this may be a sign of poor health. It's also worth mentioning that some breeds, such as pugs, will sometimes have nostrils that collapse when they inhale air.

You want to choose a puppy that has healthy looking gums. Gums should be the color pink. If the gums are pale, then the puppy could have anemia, which may be caused by parasites in the intestines.

When inspecting a puppy you're considering getting, take the time to check its eyes out. Their eyes should be bright and clear, and pay attention to eyelids that may roll out, as well as in. A puppy's pupils should be dark, and no white spots or visible lines should be present, as if they are, then this could be a sight that the puppy has congenital cataracts.

A strong and proportioned body is another sign that a puppy is healthy, but some breeds don't exactly have strong looking bodies, but generally speaking, you can tell how strong a dog is. Healthy puppies are properly taken care of, fed well and exercised properly. If you want a healthy puppy, then you will want to pay attention to its body and whether or not they are proportioned.

The final piece of advice to keep in mind is the puppy's attitude. If the puppy is ignoring you and others in its litter and it looks weak and tired, and it looks like that often, then this may be a sign that something is wrong with it. A puppy may be shy, but usually still pay you some sort of attention and not ignore you altogether. Pay close attention to a puppy's demeanor.

Picking a healthy puppy may seem like a daunting task and it can be when you don't know what you are doing. This is why you should keep the above tips and advice in mind. Doing so should make it easier for you to choose a healthy puppy.


Make Sure Your Dog Is Getting Enough Exercise

Diritto d'autore: <a href=''>vasiliybudarin / 123RF Archivio Fotografico</a>

What do you usually do on Saturday afternoons? Do you often find yourself sitting on the couch watching TV while your dog naps next to you? If this sounds familiar, you need to make a few changes to your lifestyle and exercise more. If you do not take action, you and your dog might end up overweight.

If you do not want to exercise, you should still think about the well-being of your pet. A huge number of dogs are overweight or even obese in the U.S. According to, it is estimated that 17 million dogs are either overweight or obese in the U.S. Most overweight dogs are out of shape due to their owners feeding them too much. Watching your pet's diet more closely and making sure they get plenty of exercise is the best way to prevent obesity.

Dogs need plenty of exercise for several reasons. A dog who gets enough exercise is usually happier and calmer. Dogs who do not get enough exercise might experience separation anxiety or misbehave. Exercise is good for your dog's overall health. Regular exercise can improve heart, lung, bone and joint health.

There are plenty of fun activities you can do with your dog. You could for instance go for a walk, jog, ride your bike or even go swimming. If you do not want to exercise, find a safe area where you can let your dog run off leash for a while.

It is best to exercise moderately. Your dog will not know when to stop exercising. You should never force your puppy to be more active. Too much exercise can be harmful to a puppy's development and actually hurt their bones and joints. Fun and moderate activities will have positive effects on your puppy's development.

Bicycle lead

If you plan on taking your dog for a bike ride or another activity, take the time to warm up first. Your dog can pull a ligament or a tendon if you do not warm up first. Make sure your dog does not exercise without preparing first and stop when your dog looks tired.

If your dog is used to being inactive, do not overdo it at first. Change your lifestyle one step at a time. Your dog will enjoy exercising but too much activity could have negative effects.

Your dog should have plenty of fun while exercising. Your dog will be happier and live longer if it gets plenty of activity and has fun. Remember that dogs have very different needs when it comes to exercising. For instance, a Golden Retriever will need to run every day while a Boston Terrier does not need to be as active as other dogs. Choose activities adapted to the breed and age of your dog.


You can join a group of dog owners who want to help their pets exercise more. Contact the nearest kennel club, pet store or animal shelter and ask about local groups. Rally, flyball and agility are popular activities for dogs and their owners. You will also get the opportunity to make new friends and let your dog socialize with other animals.

Regardless of the activity you choose, your dog will benefit from being more active. Your dog will have a lot of fun, bond with you and live longer thanks to exercise.
