Friday 8 June 2018

The Love Of A Senior Dog

While there may be a number of reasons that potential pet owners will be looking for younger dogs to buy or adopt, there are even more reasons why it is a good idea to look into the love and companionship of a senior dog. Whenever you find that you are looking for a new pet to add to your household, you will see that a senior dog is an excellent choice for a number of reasons.

All sorts of senior dogs can end up in a shelter for a lot of the same reasons that a younger animal will. These reasons may include the owners moving, getting divorced, the death of the owner and more. Most of the time, the dogs that get surrendered to a shelter are there by no fault of their own. Simply because a dog that is at the shelter is older, it does not mean that they have behavioral issues or health conditions that will lead to hefty veterinarian bills. There are often situations where an owner will have a difficult time making a commitment to the full lifetime of a dog and will simply trade the older dog in for a younger one for the novelty of it all.

There are also times when an owner is unwilling to change their lifestyle to include an aging dog so that they can give the care and commitment that they need as they get older. Some older pets can end up developing hip dysplasia, joint problems, cataracts and more, all of which should be treated with the help of a veterinarian. These are all pets that really need the love of a caring family and have plenty of love to give in return for the perfect home.

Depending on the type of household that you have, you could have the perfect home life that will be just right for bringing in an older dog. Senior dogs will have plenty of experience with other people and in many cases you will find that they are already trained for bathroom breaks, commands and more. Many of the senior dogs that you will find in a shelter will also have several good years left if you are able to make the commitment necessary to care for them.

While the idea of a puppy is appealing for many people, a senior dog can make an incredibly worthwhile companion that will be a true asset to your family.


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