Monday 11 June 2018

Why Dogs Tend To Dig

As annoying as it can become, digging is a part of a dog's nature. Some dogs will destroy a whole backyard by digging constantly, while other dogs may only dig a small amount. If you are looking for ways to curb your dog's digging habits you have come to the right place.

Even though digging is a part of a dog's nature there are ways to reduce or eliminate their digging. Oftentimes a dog is digging just because they are bored and have nothing better to do to release their energy. Digging is great exercise for an active dog, but there are other great ways for a dog to burn that energy.

One means of burning energy in your dog is to take them to a dog park if you have one locally. This is a safe place for them to run and even get in a little socialization. Of course this is only an option if your dog is friendly with others. If not, you certainly do not want to use this resource.

Another way is to be sure to take your dog for long walks twice a day. Really, this is something that you should do for your medium to large sized dogs anyway. If your dog gets the right amount of exercise they will be too tired to even consider digging up your yard.

After some time it becomes clear that walking is not enough exercise for your dog you may want to trying running with him. If you are not a runner another option is to put a backpack on your dog. This can double the amount of energy that your dog is using in the same amount of time.

If your dog spends a lot of time in your yard it is important to make time to play with them. Some ways to do this is to play fetch, toss a Frisbee or even just send your kids out to run around with the dog. This will distract your dog from his digging habits and help him to burn his energy in a less destructive manner.

If you find that no matter what you do your dog is continuing to dig you may want to make an area that your dog is permitted to dig. This will take some training, but if you positively reinforce your dog digging in his designated area he will quickly learn where he is and is not allowed to dig. An easy way to do this is to move the dog from an area he is digging that is not acceptable to the acceptable area, and giving him a treat when you see him digging in the right spot.

Digging is a natural way for a dog to release his pent-up energy, but it is also very destructive. Now that you have read the above article you know that there are definitely things that you can do to curb this behavior. Give these tips a try so that you once again can have a nice looking yard.


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