Thursday 28 June 2018

Does Your Dog Belong Inside Your Home Or Should It Remain Outdoors?

There's nothing more exciting than getting a new dog. Humans are known to love dogs, their friendly and loving nature makes them the number one pet. However, there has been an ongoing debate as to whether a dog should stay inside or outside the home.

Some would say that dogs belong outdoors because they are dogs. Many dog owners have considered letting their dogs in but the dog start to wreck things, poops and even pees inside the house, while also destroying some of the furniture. However, you need to consider the reasons why your dog is doing these things? The most logical reason is the fact that your dog has never been trained.

Most true dog lovers feel the dog should not be left outside alone, because are pack animals and they need the love and attention of their pack, you. Quite often I refer to dogs that live outside as living lawn furniture. Typically what happens with the living lawn furniture is we run out and make sure it has water, open the door and stick its food on the porch, then run back inside before the dog jumps on us.

Wouldn't you and your family prefer to have a dog that you can actually enjoy. A dog that knows right from wrong and has been obedience trained as well as properly house trained. I know your dog would enjoy it and prefer to be living in the house with you.

Training a dog to be a part of your family and living in your house is actually very simple. You can accomplish this by simply starting from the time that you bring the puppy or dog home. You will start the house training process immediately. Of course as with any young creature it has lots of energy so if you have a young dog that needs an active lifestyle you'll need to get outside and play with it and take a prolonged walks.

Training at this point is a must. Find a local dog trainer or AKC dog training club to help guide you through the process. Having the help of a professional trainer makes the whole process so much easier. Their experience can give you answers to many of the questions that you may have about your dog.

Take the time to train your dog and you and your family will have a companion that you can enjoy for a long time. A companion that you can be proud of and trust to be a good member of your family.


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