Wednesday 6 June 2018

Keeping Your Senior Dog In Good Health

We all know that a dog is man's best friend for life. Some dogs however live longer than others. Taking good care of your senior dog can ensure that they are around to enjoy more of life. Formulating a plan now to take care of your older dog can keep that special relationship alive for years to come.

When you have an older dog it is important to take them to the vet regularly. Instead of going once a year you should take your dog to the vet at least once every 6 months. This will ensure that any problems can be caught early instead of having time to worsen. Your vet can also make changes to their nutrition and exercise routines as needed when you keep up a regular visit schedule. 

Make sure that you take good care of your pet's health outside of the vets office as well. Brush their teeth, keep their nails trimmed, brush them and keep them clean. Be diligent in your flea and tick control as well as cleaning around your dog. Ensuring a clean area and clean body for your dog will keep stress away from them and may prolong their life.

Give them a good food and monitor their food intake. A good food will keep them healthy inside and out. Too much or too little food can be harmful to your dog. Sudden changes in appetite can also signal other health problems as well.

Ensure that your dog gets enough exercise. It might be tempting to keep your dog inside near the fire but they need to stay active to have a good life. On this same subject make sure that you are having them do health appropriate exercise. An older dog may have less interest in running or catching but a good walk will almost always be appreciated. Try not to stress out your dog and watch for signs of fatigue which may develop faster than in younger dogs.

If you notice any problems bring them to the attention of your vet. Even small changes in routine can signal a large problem with your elderly dog. Establish a relationship where you feel comfortable talking to your vet about the little things and changing your dogs routine to match. It is important to find a vet who understands the relationship you have with your dog and who will trust your judgments on what will make your dog happy.

Make more of an effort to involve your dog in your life. Older dogs sometimes need a little more input to feel welcomed and needed. Improving the spaces you usually spend time in together for their comfort can make them happier and help them stay more active. Consider putting a bed or other soft surface in your work area so they can rest while around you.

Caring for your senior dog can be very easy if you are willing to pay attention to their changing needs. This small amount of attention can give them a boost in their quality of life and keep them around longer. As always give them lots of love and cherish the time you have with them. Senior dogs are just as able to return the love as a puppy.


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