Wednesday 27 June 2018

Strengthen The Bond With Your Dog

The relationship an owner has with its dog is a special one. People who do not have dogs cannot understand the love that can exist between a dog and its owner. Truthfully, having a strong bond with a dog is not hard work because they do not understand conditional love like humans do. They love in spite of all mistakes an owner makes. Nevertheless, there are things an owner can do to increase the bond they have with their dog.

It goes without saying that spending time with your dog is crucial to having a strong bond with them. They crave time with their owners. They can go days without seeing an owner, but the moment they see their owners their eyes light up. It is as though they immediately forget about the time they were apart.

Training your dog is another good way to increase the bond with your dog. If the dog is well trained, the owner will feel more comfortable about giving them more freedom to roam and be themselves. And, they will enjoy their time together more. However, if the dog misbehaves the owner will be more inclined to keep the dog leashed up and will be more apt to be frustrated with the dog. This is not a good combination for a positive relationship with the dog.

Playing with your dog is another good way to increase your bond with them. Playing fetch, running in the back yard and wresting are all good activities to do with a dog. They love interacting with their owners this way. And, it will burn off some extra energy as well.

When your dog does misbehave it is important to keep your temper in check. They may very well deserve to be disciplined, but it is not a good idea to be violent towards the animal. Losing your cool and becoming violent can cause great harm in the relationship with your dog.

Communicating clearly with your dog is another good way to increase your bond with them. You will want to be persistent in using your commands and signals with them. With proper training of signals and commands, you will feel confident your dog will obey.

Having a strong bond with your dog is not really a difficult task. In fact, they will probably love you no matter what. But, in order for you to feel the same, you need to make sure these steps are followed so you will have a well-trained dog that you can build a relationship with.


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