Tuesday 5 June 2018

There Is More Than One Way To Train A Dog

There are actually several different ways to train a dog. Some methods are actually better than others and achieve better results.

DIY - Of course you can always train your dog yourself however the results are not always what you would hope they would be. Training your dog can be very a very enjoyable adventure if you know what you are doing or at least have a little help and guidance from a professional trainer.

Group Training Classes - These are usually the least costly method to train your dog with the help of a trainer. However that surely doesn't mean that it is good for everyone. First of all the classes are held at a specific time and you have to be there no matter what other plans you may have. If you miss a class there is usually an additional charge. Usually the dogs are so distracted by each other that they are not listening to the handlers instructions. The instructor has to divide his/her attention on everybody in the class so there is very little personal attention. So it seems that your issues never seem to get resolved.

Private Lessons - This is considered the most effective method to train your dog. Everything is done in the dogs home so there aren't any distractions. You will add distractions slowly to the training as the dog progresses with the training. The most important thing for you to remember is that the dog should be trained at least once a day for no more than a 15 minute session. Twice a day is even better and three time a day is the ultimate, but never more than 15 minutes in a session.

Board and Train - This is a method than if done correctly can give you a nicely trained dog. The program should be at least 4 weeks, 28 days. Anything less and the results will not be what you hoped for. Make sure that the program you are looking at includes the exercise that you would like you do to be able to do. The program should also include at least two private lessons after the training to teach you what your dog already knows. This is the definitely the easiest way to get a trained dog.

Teaching your dog the basic exercises is a must, and you may even want to go farther with some advanced training. Continuing on to advanced training can be a lot of fun and enjoyment for you and your dog.


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