Tuesday 31 October 2017

Sensitivity to Dogs Vanishes From This Moment

Salutations, folks! Pet parents and others may have sensitivity towards dogs. I noticed many people around itching, rashing out, coughing and sneezing while they are near dogs. But these sensitive persons may be puppy-lovers. The sensitivity makes them non-pet parents. After this article has been read, you may also adopt a puppy. Be happy!

Sensitivity analysis:

Some people think that these sensitive issues develop because of the fur and coat of puppies. But the real sensitivity develops due to their oil glands and dead cell in the skin.

At olden days, physicians would suggest pet allergens to get rid of the pets. But this suggestion vanishes while our relations and friends are with pets. When we enter their home, the pets could not be avoided. However, human nature is to build strong bonds with their canine companions. Being a pet love but a pet allergen, you may also adopt a puppy.

Medications for pet allergens:

All dogs have hairs, dead cells, and urinals, but there are specific breeds which can be adopted by allergens. The sensitive issues arise due to the type of hairs shed by puppies and their quantity.

The trending viral topics for pet allergens are about hypoallergic dogs. The hypoallergic dogs mean breeds which do not cause sensitive issues to pet allergens. But there is no such type of puppies, instead, there are listicles which can cause lower sensitive rates. These breeds can be adopted by pet allergens to avoid sensitive issues.

1. Curly-coated: Bichon Frises, Irish Water Spaniels, Poodles, and Portuguese Water Dogs.

2. Hairless: American Hairless Terriers, Chinese Cresteds, and Xoloitzcuintli.

3. Low-shedding or single-coated: Basenjis, Chihuahuas, Italian Greyhounds, and Maltese.

4. Terrier-type: Bedlington Terriers, Kerry Blue Terriers, Schnauzers, and Soft-Coated Wheaten Terriers.

Vanish allergies with care and affection:

After adopting a puppy, you can vanish your sensitivities with the help of your puppy. Yes, taking great care and affection of your puppy lowers your severity of pet allergies and could vanish them. If you have taken good care of puppy by grooming and bathings frequently, sure he would shed hairs and dead cells rarely.

Also, taking good care for cleanliness makes you healthy from pet allergies. Cover your beds with vinyl mattress and washing once in a week make you happy with a puppy. Carpets are sticky and could hold a large amount of dust, hairs, and dander, vacuum them once in a week. Consider vinyl; linoleum floors to overcome pet allergies.

Enjoy with your canine companion!

From this moment, you are safe enough to adopt a puppy and become a puppy parent. Just keep these guidelines in mind and take great care for your future canine baby. Share all your emotions with great patience to him and enjoy his partnership. Keep the stay area and puppy clean and tidy to avoid pet sensitivities folks!


Monday 30 October 2017

Why Puppies Annoy Older Dogs

There are many reasons puppies like to annoy older dogs, and while most of them are innocent, such as boredom or bonding, the behavior can still stress out the animals and lead to a less than pleasant living environment. Understanding the behavior can help correct or avoid the behavior, teaching your puppy how to properly interact with the other dogs in the home. The following are a few of the most common reasons puppies annoy older dogs.

Lack Of Exercise
Puppies are like children, if you leave them inside all day with little activity they will become a ball of energy and wreak havoc. This is especially true for energetic breeds, such as Dobermans, Schnauzers and Golden Retrievers. Make sure your puppy gets enough exercise, with at least two long walks a day or several hours outside in the yard, running and playing. Once the puppy has had his exercise he is less likely to get out his puppy energy annoying and irritating the other dogs in the house.
Boredom - A Bored Puppy Is Trouble

Buy an abundance of puppy toys and entertainment options to give your puppy something to play with. Even if your puppy gets plenty of exercise, making sure they have things to play with inside can prevent them from seeking entertainment by annoying your older dogs. Try out a variety of options, toys that make noise, rattle, squeak, light up or move to find out what is his or her favorite, and keep them interested.
Start Obedience Training Early

One of the most common issues is that owners underestimate their puppies ability to learn and wait too long to start obedience training. Start obedience training as early as possible in order to teach your puppy self-control and discipline. Starting earlier will help you be able to teach your puppy and establish boundaries between your dog's much easier.
If you see your older dog is getting annoyed, make sure you stop your puppy, admonishing him in authoritative voice. Send him to his bed, or order him to sit and stay allowing the older dog time to find a quiet spot to rest.

There are many reasons puppies annoy older dogs, but thankfully most of the time the behavior can be corrected with a little care and training. So get out there and spend some time exercising your pup.


Know These Common Mistakes That Dog Owners Often Make

Nobody is perfect, this also applies to pet owners, they often make mistakes when training their dog. Poor dog owner training can lead to some dog behavior problems. If you are training your dog, learn these common mistakes and how you can avoid them!

Most Common Mistakes You Must Know

Leaving Your Dog Alone Too Much: Do you know that pets need attention, they want to spend time with their owner. Leaving them alone too much can lead to behavior problems. Even if you are very busy, make sure that you still spend time with your dog every day.

Inconsistent Training: As you are reading previous articles explaining about dog training tips, you already know that being consistent is very vital. Inconsistent training can lead to behavior problems.

Chaining A Dog: Some dog owners are too cruel, they keep their dog by chaining them. Don't do this, chaining a dog is not a good way to teach your dog. If you don't have a secure fence, there is still a solution available for you. You can keep your dog in the house crated.

Don't Yell: If you are constantly yelling at him, it will lead to behavior problems too. It is very normal that we may lose our temper from time to time, but yelling is not a solution.

Crating Them Too Long: Keeping him in the house crated seems a good idea, but if keep your dog in a crate for hours and hours, this can be dangerous. Doing this can affect his muscle tone and growth.

Reinforcing Bad Behavior: We often do this, but we don't realize it. Reinforcing bad behavior is a very serious issue. If you want to teach your dog about good habits, don't do this.

Hitting Your Dog: Hitting your dog or swatting him with newspaper is definitely a bad idea. As a dog owner, it is important not to set a bad example in front of your dog.


When you are training your dog, you must realize that changes won't happen overnight. It takes time until you can see the real result. Training a dog can be very fun if you know how to start. There are many dog owners who can share their experience with you. By learning some common mistakes that dog owners often make, you will be able to avoid these mistakes, helping you to teach your dog in a correct way.


Sunday 29 October 2017

How to Potty Train your Puppy EASILY! Everything you need to know!

A video from Zak George on the subject of potty training your puppy. It's training that all dog owners will need to undertake to train their dogs.

How To House Train a Puppy - Helpful Tips

House training a puppy may take some time but in order for you to successfully do this, it will take patience, consistency and of course, positive reinforcements. Your main goal here is not only learning how to house train a puppy, but also instilling good habits as well as building a loving bond. The entire process would probably last for around 4 to 6 months. For some puppies, there are times when the training would take for as long as a year or two.


So, where should you start in house training your puppy? Basically, it starts with the breed you want to train. Smaller breeds would have smaller bladders but have higher metabolisms. This may require them to have more frequent trips for a pee. There are other things that you must learn throughout the process, but you can always do a few things to get started with.

Establish Your Routine

The first thing that you should start doing while your pet is still young is establishing a regular routine. This will help him in getting to know the right times for eating, playing, and potty. Typically, a puppy could control his pee for about an hour for each month of his age. This means that if your puppy is around 3 months old, he can hold it within a period of 3 hours. However, you should go longer than the usual breaks as he may end up peeing or even doing potty anywhere in your home.

Frequently Take Your Puppy Outside

The most recommended times in taking your puppy outside is at least very after two hours. Get started after waking up, during and after his playtime, and after drinking or eating.

Pick his Bathroom Spot in the Yard

To train your puppy, it is best that you take him at his bathroom spot with a leash. While he is doing his thing, think of a word or even a phrase like "potty time" that you should use before going to the spot just to remind him of what he should do. After his potty time, take him for longer walks or get him some playtime before going inside.

Give Him Treats after Doing Potty Time Outside

Rewards such as treats are signs that he did something good. You can try praising him or giving him a treat. Do this right after he finished doing his potty and not when he is already inside. This will teach him of what he should expect when he goes out to potty. Never give him rewards or praises before he finishes or he will get distracted and forget to finish till he gets back in your house.

Make sure that you will always do everything on schedule to help your puppy in sticking with his routine. Keeping the right feeding schedule will also help you in determining the usual schedule of keeping the door open or when you should take him outside. Follow these tips and you are sure to make house training easier than expected.


Saturday 28 October 2017

5 Symptoms Of Dog Pain That Every Pet Owner Should Watch Out For

 Every pet owner finds it dreadful whenever their pooch is sick or in pain. While there are plenty of obvious signs that show this, keep in mind that dogs don't speak our language and can't always tell us when they're not feeling well. Dogs mainly communicate to humans through actions so it's important to be observant about their behaviors especially if you suspect that they are sick.

Here are 5 symptoms of dog pain that every pet owner should watch out for:

Heavy Panting

Panting is normal behavior for canines. Heavy panting shouldn't be a surprise as well, especially during hot days. But if your pet pants heavily out of nowhere, this may indicate that he's stressed or in pain.

Lack of Appetite

Inappetence is usually the first obvious symptom when a dog is in pain or feeling sick. Just like us, we lose appetite when we're not feeling well. Lack of appetite in canines can be caused by many reasons but if it persists, it's better to consult your veterinarian to find out the cause.

Excessive Grooming

While it's natural for dogs to groom themselves by licking, it's not normal for it to become an obsessive behavior. If you notice your pooch licking a particular area of his body for extended periods, it could indicate that he is in pain. Canines will often groom parts of their body where the pain is coming from in the hopes to soothe or care for the wound.

Shyness or Aggression

A dog that's in pain will usually hide away in a corner and avoid attention because he doesn't have the energy to play or socialize. On the other hand, other dogs who are experiencing pain have the tendency to become aggressive especially when touched. Don't take it personally if your usual sweet and lively pooch growls or snaps at you when you try to play with him - he just doesn't have any other means to let you know that he is hurting.

General Changes in Behavior

If your dog doesn't greet you excitedly anymore when you arrive, if he doesn't want to play with his favorite toy or if he refuses any physical activities such as his daily walks or simply climbing up the stairs, he is most probably in pain or feeling sick. Bring him to the vet to get checked out especially if the problem persists.

If you notice any of the above mentioned signs or symptoms of dog pain in your pet, it is best to seek medical help to be sure that the problem is resolved immediately.


How to End Puppy Play Biting

What's cuter than a puppy? Very few things, that's for sure! Raising a puppy, just like raising a toddler, is equal parts rewarding and exhausting. Play biting or mouthiness is a common problem among puppy owners that can get out of hand as the dog gets older, but can easily be addressed with a few consistent responses. Since biting is an inevitable truth with any dog, this is an important lesson for every dog and their families.

What play biting isn't

Play biting is most commonly mistaken for teething. The difference between the two is play biting is something that happens during social play and comes in short bursts of biting. You'll know your puppy is teething when they are quietly sitting there chewing or gnawing, usually on something they shouldn't!

Bite Inhibition

Biting is a form of dog-dog communication that's learned when the puppy plays with its littermates. When the action gets a little too heated and someone gets hurt they'll yelp out in pain and stop playing with the meanie who bit too hard.

Puppies use this social withdrawal to teach other puppies how hard they can bite without causing pain or damage. This is called bite inhibition and it's why it is so important that puppies are not separated from their litter before they're 7-8 weeks old. Since bite inhibition is learned through rough play, it's vital that anyone watching the puppies play not interfere with playtime.

How to Stop Play Biting

Of course, preventative measures are always something to highlight right off the bat. If you are going to buy a dog from a breeder always be sure that the breeder provides a good standard of care for their animals and never take a puppy home that is younger than 7-8 weeks.

This kind of preventative measure isn't always possible when adopting a puppy from a shelter. Because of health concerns for dogs spending any amount of time in shelters, most prefer to adopt out animals as soon as possible to reduce their likelihood of infection. This goes for puppies too despite how young they are when they leave the litter.

Once you have your puppy home, set them up to succeed! These three things can make or break the rest of your puppy's play biting training.

Playtime should be a social event full of social learning and appropriate oral stimulation. A great way to stimulate your puppy's need to bite during play is to play tug of war and fetch (even if the actual fetching of the object is lost on them!).

Provide teething toys that are safe for puppy to chew on. Doing this won't directly help with play biting, but it will limit their need for oral stimulation.

Never allow mouthy behavior. Allowing it even one time every few sessions is enough to encourage the behavior. Don't allow your puppy to bite or nibble anything inappropriate, especially anything on a human (hands, feet, shoes, clothes). This is probably the MOST important rule your puppy will have growing up since most people misinterpret mouthy adults as biters. Take this step seriously now so you don't have any biting accidents later.

Odds and Ends

Always stop playing with the puppy as soon as they bite. It's important to be very quick with your response. 
Never allow them to bite.

Be sure that all interactions between children and the puppy are supervised. Kids aren't quick or assertive enough to keep up the strict no mouthing policy. 
Supervise playtime.

Always play with appropriate toys. Toys should always be something your dog can have in his or her mouth and chew on without getting in trouble. This is obviously not the case for your arms, hands and feet. I know I already mentioned this, but it's the most common reason for out of control mouthiness.

Don't allow your puppy to get your attention with play biting. Say "No" or "Off" (you could also yipe like a littermate) to interrupt the bite and turn away or leave the room. You need your pup to understand that biting gets him nowhere.

Leave the room long enough for your puppy to be confused by your absence. You are utilizing social withdrawal (just like their littermates), so be sure to withdraw long enough for it work. Around 2-3 minutes should be sufficient, but take the temperature of your puppy to be sure it's not too long or too short.

Don't pick the puppy up to remove them from the room since it can be misinterpreted as play and won't discourage the biting.

Never physically punish your puppy. Punishments can cause anxiety and turn what was play biting into fearful or even aggressive biting. It can also cause your puppy to get even more riled up and bite more.

If biting doesn't stop after 1-2 weeks of consistent training try a head halter to help redirect your puppy from biting - and any other bad behavior - and reward them for whatever you directed them to.

*Rest assured that your puppy isn't play biting so they can dominate or control you. It's a normal part of canine communication that needs to be learned. It's a lot like volume control in kids, they need to learn from others when they are being too loud. They aren't yelling at you to intimidate you.


Friday 27 October 2017

How to Take Care of a Puppy: Bringing a Puppy Home

For those thinking of getting a puppy, this video will give you some useful guidance.

9 Tips For Choosing A Dog Seat Cover For Your Car or Truck

Bonve Pet Dog Seat Cover

Choosing The Best Protection For You, Your Dog and Your Car

Pet lovers like to take their dogs with them everywhere. Their claws can scratch expensive car seats. Dogs also track in dirt and dog hair. Sometimes they have accidents which spreads pee and saliva to the seats. This can spread germs and odors.

A dog seat cover can prevent all these problems while keeping your dog safe and comfortable. Here are some of the things to consider when choosing protection for your car or trucks seats.

1. Covers the entire seat

The seats in most compacts and mid-sized cars are less than 54" across. Look for a seat cover that is 54" wide. The unit should cover it from edge to edge

YoGi Prime

2. Waterproof

Dogs sometimes have accidents. They pee or drool or even knock over their water dishes if you are watering them in the car. Keeping the liquid from leaking through can save your seats and prevent the spread of germs and odors. Liquids that do get through often drip between the seats making it especially hard to clean up. Sometimes the liquids can even soak into cloth seats. Edge-to-edge waterproofing is a must have in our opinion.

3. Non-slip backing

PETerials Car Dog Seat Cover

If you have ever gone to a fun house that has the moving floor, you have some idea of what it's like for your dog if the seat cover slips and slides. That's why having a non-slip backing is essential for a safe comfortable ride for your pet. Non slip backs can be a full rubber mat or silicone dots on the back of the piece. The silicone dots don't work very well but they are better than nothing. A full edge-to-edge rubber back is preferred.

4. Adjustable seat belt straps

Seat covers are attached to the rear seat head rests. Some use elastic straps. These usually lose their elasticity after a while and break. If they stretch, your seat protector won't fully cover your seat and you lose protection. A preferred choice is an adjustable nylon strap. This will resist breaking and can be pulled tight to make the seat cover look like a custom fit. Higher priced models include quick-release connections so you don't have to readjust your straps every time you put the seat cover in the car. Leather reinforced straps are available on more expensive units and are a good idea if you have a larger dog.

5. Hammock Option

ZQ Waterproof

Many top of the line covers offer a hammock option. Instead of just covering the rear seats, it allows you to attach it to the front seat head rests creating a hammock or sling. The purpose of this it to keep your dog from falling on the floor in the event of a quick stop. Instead of falling on the floor, the hammock will suspend the dog above the floor keeping him or her safe from injury.

6. Seat Anchors

Seat anchors are straps with a plastic tube that fits between the seats. It holds the seat cover in place so you can get a nice tight look but also prevents the dog from falling on the floor when the hammock option is used. Without seat anchors, your dog will fall forward in the event of a quick stop and the hammock will collapse under his weight providing no protection at all. He'll still fall on the floor.

7. Seat Belt Access


Access to the seat belt allows human passengers to share the back seat and still use the seat belts for safety. Many people use seat belt extenders to secure the dog in the back seat and keep him from wandering up to the front seat or jumping out of the windows. Remember to use seat belt extenders only with dog harnesses. Hooking your dog's collar to the seat belts could break his neck in the event of a hard or fast stop or accident. His body weight will propel him forward but the collar is attached to the seat. Not good for your dog.

8. Side Flaps

Seat covers generally protect the top and back of the seat but often leave the sides of the seat exposed. As your pet jumps in the car, his claws may scratch the sides of the seats. Side flaps cover the sides of the seat to prevent this. Not all seat covers have this feature. Look for it on your next purchase

9. Removable washable mat

PETerials Car Dog Seat Cover

One of the newest innovations in pet seat covers is the removable washable mat. Why is this important? If your pet has an accident, the waterproof seat cover should keep the liquid from getting to the seats but it often pools on the water proof section. It can still spill on the seats. If your seat cover is a heavy duty canvas cloth, it will absorb at least some of the urine, saliva or water but then it smells. Canvas based seat covers should never be placed in a washing machine. The agitators and/or aluminum drum can destroy the waterproofing or non-slip back. Unless you can sanitize it, your pet will smell the odors and think this is a potty area.

Making the seat cover in two parts, a canvas based seat cover and a washable removable mat solves the problem. A heavy canvas based seat cover will last for years and years with proper care. The mat not only absorbs the liquids; it also is a dog hair magnet. Simply throw it in the washing machine whenever it gets dirty to sanitize it. It can be replaced as necessary and even changed for use in other vehicles to match their interior colors.

All seat covers are not the same. There are budget models which will do an adequate job of keeping your seats scratch-free but don't do much for the safety or comfort of your pet. They are generally considered throw-away items that only last a few trips. The more expensive models will last longer and protect your seats and your dog. If you only plan to take the dog on one trip like a vacation, an inexpensive seat cover is probably fine for you. For the true dog lover who takes his pet everywhere, a full featured seat cover will last longer and not have to be replaced as often and can lead to many satisfying adventures for you and your dog.


Thursday 26 October 2017

Understanding Heartworm Disease in Dogs: Decoding the Facts

The mere site of parasites can create apprehensions in the minds of dog owners. These pesky beings are so nasty and gross that you always think about the health of your pooch whenever dealing with this situation. If by chance, your doggy is affected by heartworm infection, it can lead to disastrous effect on the health of the pet which can be very fatal for his health. Before taking any step further, glance at some of these facts about this disease, so that you have a better idea of what exactly you are dealing with:

It Is Very Important To Prevent Heartworm Disease In All Dogs

Lot of prominence has been given to preventing heartworm disease and it is absolutely right. The reason for that is very simple. With a monthly dosage of heartworm preventative treatments the larval stages of heartworms get killed after the mosquito bites. This assists in halting the infection and the mosquito is not able to transmit the larva that bites your tyke and pass it on to other dogs. This treatment results in not only assisting your doggy but also reducing the spread of the disease, thus forestalling the exposure of the disease to nearby dogs.

Prevention Of Heartworm Disease Is Easier & Cost-effective In Comparison To Treatment

This should not be surprising as treatment of heartworm disease not only expensive, but also uncomfortable and lengthy. The preventative treatment in comparison contains a monthly chewable dose and it is very easy to give to the pooch. The only difficult task is to remember the monthly task of giving the dose and taking the initial appointment of the veterinarian to get the prescription.

Human Beings Cannot Acquire The Disease From Dogs Directly

Heartworm disease is spread through mosquito bites and so even if you have two dogs and one of them is suffering from heartworm disease, the second dog will not acquire it from the first. This is absolutely true even if both dogs are bitten by the same mosquito bite in short succession, since the heartworm larvae requires an incubation period within the mosquito before it can be transmitted to another dog. There are rare possibilities of human beings to acquire heartworms.

Heartworms Are More Prevalent In Hot & Humid States

Since heartworm disease is acquired through mosquito bites, the disease is most likely to spread in hot, humid states, which is very conducive for the mosquitoes. That being said, heartworms are more prevalent in dry states. Hence, it is very important to give heartworm preventative treatment to the dogs irrespective of the place you reside. This is especially true, in case you go on a road trip and wind up in a state where mosquitoes are more likely to prosper.

Female Heartworms Grow Quite Long

Female heartworms grow quite long - up to one foot in length. Now just imagine the female heartworm snaking at the heart and lungs of the pooch. You can sense what impact it can have on your furry pal's health. But the male heartworms are smaller in size, about four to six inches in length.


6 Amazing Ways to Get Rid of Fleas and Ticks on Dogs

Fleas and ticks are the nemesis of domesticated dogs all across the world. They not only irritate the canines, but also cause peculiar diseases that can harm your tyke. Even if your furry pal spends most of the time indoors, still there is a potential risk from pathogens that fleas and ticks can carry. Hence, it is important to take these pointers into consideration to get rid of fleas and ticks on dogs:

1. It is very important to groom the pooch and keep him clean and healthy. Remember, canines pick up dirt, debris along with fleas and ticks. When you groom him, there is a window of opportunity to carefully scrutinize for the signs of fleas, ticks or other infestations along with some skin ailments. Utilize a pin brush if you have a long-haired breed and bristle brush for other dog coats. It is important to brush short-haired breeds on a weekly basis, while long-haired breeds like sheepdogs need to be brushed on a daily basis.

2. You can check for ticks on the dog's coat by feeling the bumps. If you find a bump, scrutinize the space for ticks. Even look under the legs, between toes and in the ears of the dog. If you see a tick, put on a pair of gloves and get rid of it. It is recommended to remove the tick using tweezers or a tick remover.

3. While utilizing tweezers, ensure that you hold the tick up, away from the dog swiftly to get rid of the entire tick. It has been observed that sometimes while removing the tick, the head of the pesky parasite can remain attached to the skin of the canine that can lead to infection. Hence, while using a tick remover, follow the manufacturer's instruction completely so that you get rid of the whole tick. After taking it out, place it in a small container filled with isopropyl alcohol to preserve the specimen for identification if the tyke develops a tick-borne disease.

4. A flea comb is a tool that can be used to search for fleas on dogs. Run the comb through the fur of the pooch, commencing from the head, working back toward the tail. After a few strokes with the comb, inspect the comb's teeth for fleas. Then dip the comb in soapy water to kill the fleas and then clean it with a rag or cloth. Once you have completed the process to wait for a few minutes and then repeat it. Get rid of the soapy water in the drain and vacuum the area where you combed the doggy.

5. Once the brushing and combing is completed, bath your furry pal. Fill the bottom of the tub with a couple of inches of warm water and then softly lift and place your pooch in the tub. Grasp the pet gently but firmly in the tub thereby praising him. Use a handheld shower nozzle or poured water from a cup to wet the pet, commencing from head and moving towards the tail. Ensure that the water does not enter the canine's eyes or ears. Then apply the dog shampoo on the fur of the pet till the coat is lathered. Rinse the shampoo in the same way as you wet the dog but ensure that the water and shampoo does not enter the eyes or ears. If it is a hot climate, you can even bath your doggy outside, utilizing a garden hose.

6. If you find fleas using a flea comb, utilize a flea and tick shampoo to wash your furry pal. But follow the manufacturer's instruction. Dry the dog's coat using a towel. After the bath, once again brush the coat to keep the fur of the pet from getting matted and to keep his coat shiny.

I am a proud owner of two doggies, and so naturally I have read a lot about the different problems that canines face during their lives. 


Wednesday 25 October 2017

How To Start Training Your Puppy!

Many people who bring home a young dog between 8-12 weeks find training to be an overwhelming experience. Even if you have had a dog in the past, it's easy to forget the small details that are essential for puppies and can truly make a big difference.

Why Is Puppy Obedience Training So Important?

The bond between pet and owner can be a rewarding, life-affirming, and deeply enjoyable relationship. Unfortunately, it can also be a nightmare when a dog does not respect its owner and does not behave. There are a number of reasons why puppy obedience training is so important. Here are some of the most important benefits to keep in mind when deciding whether to sign your pooch up for some lessons in good behavior.

It's Good for the Dog

You might think that your dog would be happier just left to his own devices, but in fact, an obedient pet will have a much more enjoyable life. A dog that is well behaved and relaxed, even with other dogs or in big crowds of people, is more likely to be allowed to accompany the owner in these situations. This means that the dog can spend more time socializing, bonding, and running around in the world at its master's side. More importantly, a pet that has been through puppy obedience school is safer than one who can't be trusted to obey commands. Imagine that your dog slips its leash at a crowded intersection. A dog who has learned to obey its master's commands will heel and stay safe, while a dog who has not might run into traffic, risking injury or death.

It's Good for the Owner

Puppy obedience training is good for the owner for many of the same reasons it's good for the dog. An obedient pup will be a much more enjoyable companion. Even a mildly ill-behaved dog can be quite the headache for the owner. If it barks all hours of the night and keeps its owner up; if it chews on furniture and stains rugs or exhibits any other bad behavior, then the owner may be motivated to turn the dog over to a shelter.

Statistics show dogs that receive proper instruction as puppies are far less likely to be sent to a shelter or put down. In the worst case, a violent or aggressive dog could hurt someone, and the owner could be found legally liable for the injury. In fact, the majority of states now ascribe strict liability to owners, even if they had no reason to believe the dog posed a danger.

It's Good for Other Dogs

This doesn't just apply to the dogs your dog interacts with, though they certainly would prefer not getting bit or harassed as much as the next critter. A bad apple can ruin the whole bunch, and the more frequently misbehaving dogs cause problems in public, the more likely it will be that tighter restrictions are placed on all dogs. Don't let your dog be the source of anti-canine feelings in your community!

Puppy obedience training benefits the dog, the master, and society as a whole by fostering and preserving the harmonious relationship between the two species. Do everyone a favor and get your dog trained!

Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Why-Is-Puppy-Obedience-Training-So-Important?&id=9520169