Wednesday 16 May 2018

Three Items To Consider Before Getting A Dog

Having a dog as a pet is one of the wonderful experiences in life. A dog always loves you, no matter what, if you treat your pet properly and establish a good relationship.

The dog will establish the relationship immediately, but will you? Dogs are very emotional and will bond very quickly to the owner, largely because the figure out that you hold the keys to what they want like food, training, and companionship. That is just how they are built.

The first thing that you must consider is what kind of dog you are going to get for your pet. Dogs come in different energy modes from extremely active to some that are calmer. Active dogs like Dalmatians, Labs, and Poodles require lots of attention and exercise. You should be sure that you will be able to provide enough time and space in your schedule in order to accommodate them.

The second thing to consider is the proper care and maintenance that must be provided for the health of the dog. You need to sit down and budget the necessary expenses that will be required for routine medical care at the Veterinarian for your dog, as well as a reserve in case anything serious occurs. It is also a good idea to look into a pet health insurance policy in case anything serious occurs.

The third thing you should consider is to be sure that you are able to secure the proper training for your dog. This is important because unless your dog is trained and socialized, you will be a prisoner of your dog. You will not be able to successfully have company, because your dog will either jump all over any new arrivals in your home, or they will be terrorized by the protective instincts of the dog.

It is a good idea to get a puppy or a small dog just for the training itself, as it is easier to train a puppy than it is for a more mature dog. Enlist the services of a well qualified dog trainer for this part of the deal, and you come with the package, because you will have to be trained too.

The end result of training is that the dog will respond to your commands, such as sit, stay, come, lay down, and so on. Once the dog responds to your commands, it is easy to have company, as the dog will want to please you.

If all three of these measures are carefully considered, your experience with your new pet will be greatly enhanced.


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