Monday 21 May 2018

How to Calm Your Hyper Dog

All dogs have different dispositions and some are more hyper than others. A hyper dog can be a challenge for their owner. A hyper dog's behavior can range from excited to frantic. This can cause a disruption in the home, when you go for walks and when you encounter other people and animals.

When dealing with your hyper pet you need to remain calm. Dogs can sense when you're frustrated or angry. They know when you're nervous or excited. Any of these emotions can be a trigger, making your dog, more hyper. Projecting a sense of calm, can help to calm your hyper dog.

Here are some other ways to calm your best friend and relieve some of its energy:

Dogs Need Mental Stimulation

Find ways to redirect your dog's energy. Some people have found that toys and exercise can help calm a dog. Long walks can help relieve built up energy and help a dog calm down. Agility training has also been known to help stimulate a dog and calm hyperactive behavior. These are all activities that provide mental and physical stimulation.

Obedience training also provides mental stimulation, while teaching proper behavior. Not only will this training help calm your dog, it will also help you learn how to be calm around your dog. When you learn how to be calm, you can teach this technique to your family and friends.

Get Everyone To Help

A common problem people have when trying to calm their dogs is other people causing the dog to become hyper. If there are people who spend a fair amount of time with your pet, you should get them to help. If someone is always excitable or angry or frustrated around your dog, they can erase all of the hard work you've done in seconds if you don't take control.

Make sure everyone you know, understands your dog needs a calm environment. Then work on teaching your pet how to interact with others. If your dog is used to running into the room and jumping on your neighbors or nipping at your kids, then you have to train them not to do that. This training will help the dog be calm, because it will, in time, learn what is expected of them.

Make Sure Your Dog Gets Regular Exercise

While all of the training and playing may help to calm your dog. It won't help if your dog is not getting regular daily exercise. It's important to take your dog for long walks and allow them to burn off that excess energy. Dogs need more than a few minutes out to get the exercise they need.

You can supplement your walk with trips to places where your dog can run off-leash. Regardless of the type of exercise, the most important thing is consistency. Walking, hiking, skating, and even biking are possible while walking your dog. These activities give you and dog a chance to bond, while both of you get a great workout. And best of all when you're done and go home, you'll have a calmer dog.


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