Tuesday 29 May 2018

Ever Wonder Why Your Dog Chases Shadows?

If you've ever had the pleasure of owning a pet dog, you might be surprised to find out that it chases shadows. You probably wonder why your dog would be following a shadow, especially when there isn't any other kind of animal around you. You probably will feel pretty perplexed as you find your dog is going around crazy over a simple shadow that is emanating from a nearby shrub. However, there are many reasons as to why your dog chases shadows, and this article will take you right through them.

First of all, it is very common for many puppies to chase shadows when they are going for a walk or perhaps in the backyard. If you've ever had a puppy, you know just how restless and playful they can be. Many times, when they are bored, they will play games with themselves where they will play around with nearby shadows. This is something that shouldn't worry you at all, and simply means that your puppy is having a good time playing around with his surroundings. Furthermore, it's usually a good sign as it shows that your puppy is very aware of his surroundings, great for guarding you at night!

A lot of the time, your dog, whether he is fully grown or a puppy, chases shadows because it's his own shadow! Much like how dogs like to chase their tail, dogs sometimes like to chase their own shadow. If you've seen a dog chase their tail, you will know that they will go in circles for quite a while until they realize that it's impossible for them to actually reach their tail. Much like this, a dog will continue in vain to chase their shadow just to realize that every time they move, the shadow moves even further away from them!

Dogs chasing their own shadows is also nothing to be concerned about, it's simply the dog playing around and enjoying itself. Your dog probably thinks that the shadow is another dog, when in fact, it's actually himself. When you think about it, it certainly is cute how the dog is thinking that his shadow is another dog. Dogs can go ahead and chase their own shadow throughout their entire life, or grow out of it, either way - it is completely normal.

Dogs chasing shadows is something that is common throughout many different breeds of dogs. You will find that many dog owners, especially the ones you see on online dog communities have seen their dogs playing around with nearby or their own shadow. It seems that this kind of behavior is very typical in dogs and is simply a playful act which they perform when they are idle or are bored.

There you have it, the real reason why you dog or puppy might be chasing shadows. There really isn't anything strange or uncommon about the behavior. If the behavior annoys you, you might find that you can stop them from chasing shadows by bringing out their favorite toy.


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