Friday 4 May 2018

5 Basic Commands When Training A Blind Dog

Blindness in dogs is either caused by illness or age, however dogs some are born blind. Teaching a blind dog even the most basic obedience training is recommended since it helps in keeping them safe. Teaching your dog a few commands will greatly help in boosting confidence.

The following are a few tips on training a blind dog.

1. Always use a familiar location when training your dog. Without sight, the dog may become frightened or wary. Keep your dog feeling as secure and comfortable as possible. Clear the area for objects that the dog could trip over. Maintain a consistent layout for your home. Walk the dog around the house several times to help in learning where particular things are. In case you add or move furniture, repeat the process until you sure that it can navigate it's way around the house, independently and safely.

2. Use the SLOW command. Use this whenever the dog is about to bump into an object. Begin with putting a leash on your pet and then start walking. Whenever you want it to slow down, say 'Slow' while simultaneously applying gentle pressure to the leash. Praise is important once it slows down.

3. Use the WAIT command. Use this after it has mastered the 'slow' command. 'Wait' is used when you encounter a situation that is potentially dangerous and you need the dog to stay put where it is. For example, if it is about to walk off a ledge or you are about to cross the street.

The 'Wait' command is taught just like the 'slow' command. Again, start by putting a leash on the dog and start walking. Apply a steady yet gentle pressure on the leash while simultaneously saying 'Wait'. Reward it immediately when it stops moving (Your dog doesn't have to sit so long as it is not moving).

After your dog has reliably responded to the 'Wait' command while on leash, repeat the procedure while off the leash. Walk alongside and once you say 'Wait' it needs to stop moving. Praise is important when it does the exercise correctly. If it doesn't, say 'Wait' while applying gentle pressure to the collar till it stops.

4. It is also necessary to have a 'release word' for the 'Wait' command. This release word is what tells the dog that it is all right to start moving again. This can be anything that you desire, For instance it could be 'Let's go', 'Okay' and so on. Say this in an upbeat voice.

5. Use the SIT command. This is a command relatively easy to teach. Fill your pockets with a bunch of little tasty treats that your dog loves. Hold the treat right by the nose. Say 'Sit' while gradually moving the treat higher. As the dog raises the nose, it will naturally move to a seated position. Reward when it sits.

For successful training of dogs, timing is crucial. This is regardless of whether the dog is blind or not. Reward the dog the instant it responds to a command. Positive reinforcement helps dogs learn commands while strengthening the bond you already have with your dog.


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