Tuesday 8 May 2018

The Brittany Spaniel

This medium sized dog offers plenty of color choices in fawn, tans, browns or even a deep pink. Dark brown, amber or hazel colored eyes will be dependent upon the color of the coat.

Highly intelligent and very easy to train and handle, this is an ideal hunting and family dog. Very obedient and very eager to please the owner.

This happy go lucky dog is very active and loves to hunt. Remaining affectionate while independent, this is a free thinking dog.

It is important to keep your Brittany active, otherwise you're going to have one very hyperactive dog on your hands and it will be very unstable as to what he or she will come up with to do next.

You'll enjoy plenty of daily walks or trips to the park where the Brittany can run and get that excess energy out. Never allow this dog to be dominant or walk in front of you. Demand respect and they will give it. A firm but confident owner is a must for this breed.

Be consistent with rules and your Brittany will reward you with plenty of love and affection. Be inconsistent and you're going to have one hyper dog on your hands.

It is vital to keep this dog socialized as a pup. They love to roam so keep this in check with plenty of exercise and a good fence in the yard. Ideal with children as long as they have been raised with the children from puppy hood.

This dog is very adaptive to settings. He is fine with woods or plains or hills and resistant to cold or damp conditions. Also good as a bird dog as he loves to retrieve. Easy to transport to hunting sites due to their size and they love to help their owners.

A few cautions, this breed is prone to hip dysplasia as well as seizures and even breast cancer. Keep your vet appointments and provide quality health care to ensure a healthy pet.

The do not do well in apartments as they are so active so it is best to choose this breed if you have a large yard or some acreage. Since they require so much exercise they tend to do better in a rural setting where they can go for long walks and run a bit more. Ideal for the walker or joggers lifestyle.

Coat care will require regular brushing to keep it in good condition. Their coats are flat and easy to care for. The coat is pretty low maintenance and only needs some careful trimming now and again. Keep a watch on ears especially if they are out in the woods a lot. They only shed lightly so if you're looking for a pet that doesn't shed a lot this may well be your option.

Named for the Province of Brittany, they are likely the result of crossing an Orange and White setter with some type of French dog. Quite possibly related to the Springer Spaniel.


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