Wednesday 23 May 2018

Boston Terrier Facts

Boston Terriers, also known as Boston Bulls and Boston Bull Terriers, are a breed of dog that originates from Boston, Massachusetts. These dogs came into existence in the late 1800's when English bulldogs were bred with English White Terriers, a breed that is now extinct. The AKC recognized the breed in 1893. It was one of the very first non-sporting breeds to originate in the United States!

Boston Terriers have an average height of 15 to 17 inches and average weight of 10 to 25 pounds. Their short body has a square appearance. They have square-shaped heads that is proportionate to the rest of their body.

As far as personality goes, Boston Terriers are very intelligent, alert, and gentle dogs. They are also very energetic dogs who without the proper amount of exercise, can become rather high strung. On the other hand, they are indoor dogs and should never be kept outside for long periods of time. Therefore, these terriers are perfectly fine with living in apartments or homes without a backyard. Since they have such a high level of intelligence, they listen well to humans and are very easy to train. However, it is important that you do train them, as without proper guidance, they can become a bit rough with other dogs. They do make a great family pet and are even good companions to the elderly.

These dogs have a short coat, making it easy to keep up with grooming. They do not need to be bathed as often as other dogs do. Also, a firm bristle brush and comb are all that is needed to groom. Just be sure to wipe their face and eyes each day, as these are the areas on them that do tend to get dirty!

When it comes to health problems, issues with the eyes are most common with Boston Terriers. Corneal ulcers, glaucoma, dry eye, juvenile and late-onset cataracts, and distichiasis are some eye conditions they are known to commonly have. Other health conditions they are prone to include heart and skin tumors, patellar luxation, and deafness. Overexertion in extremely hot or cold weather can cause breathing problems. When they stay healthy, the average life span of a Boston Terrier is 15 years. Also, beware that these dogs do tend to have flatulence issues. So, if you do not want them to smell up your whole home, be sure to watch what you feed them.


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