Tuesday 22 May 2018

All About The Jack Russell Terrier

The Mask, the Wizard of Oz, Wishbone, and Frasier. What do these four popular shows and movies have in common? The Jack Russell Terrier! This small size dog breed has been a favorite in the media for not only being charming, but shrewd and very cheerful. There are many amazing qualities and facts about the Jack Russell Terrier. Here are just a few things to know about them.

The Jack Russell Terrier originates from England about two centuries ago. The original purpose of the Jack Russell Terrier was to hunt foxes. Being that foxes are agile and quick animals, the Jack Russell requires just as much energy to keep up with the fox. That being said, in addition to being intelligent dogs, these dogs have an almost unlimited amount of stamina and must always be kept physically busy.

This is actually the contrary of what TV shows and movies portray. The JRT's shown in the media usually appear to be animals that are content with being in one's arms or lap. While these dogs are very affectionate, anyone who is thinking of adopting such spirited dog should keep in mind that they were bred to hunt and to work. As such, they require a great amount of attention and dedication. When keeping these dogs active with mental and physical activity will decrease, if not eliminate, any unwanted behavior, such as destroying furniture and clothing.

Bravery is the next trait to know about this breed. They appear to have no fear and will have no problem defending itself or standing up to a much larger breed of dog. They are also content with being the only Jack Russell in the home. Experts recommend separating or keeping two Jack Russell Terriers from each other. They can become quite possessive with things that they see, and again, have no problems defending what they feel is theirs.

It's always best to understand the characteristics and traits of a dog, regardless of the breed. This will help to make sure that there's a solid relationship between the JRT and its human owner. It is true that these small breeds require plenty of attention and time, but it is well worth to know that they enjoy, as well as excel, at training and will have no issues understanding what they are being taught. In the end, not only Jack Russell Terriers are hardworking, intelligent, and witty dogs, but kind, charming, and loving to their human friends.


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