Wednesday 2 May 2018

6 Questions To Ask Your Vet About Your Dog

When you are visiting the vet it is important to decide exactly what to ask him just like you would a human doctor. Since your dog cannot tell you what's wrong with her, it is up to you to voice her concerns. The next time you visit the vet for your dogs' annual check-up be sure to ask the veterinarian the following 6 questions.

Is my dog at a healthy weight?

Obesity in dogs is as much of a problem as obesity in human beings. The main causes of obesity are: overfeeding, lack of exercise, and poor diet. Dogs require at least half an hour of exercise daily and many don't get enough. Ask the vet for your dog's ideal weight. If she's underweight, ask how much more food you should be giving her. If she's overweight, discuss with the vet about a diet and fitness program and ensure that you stick with it.

Does my dog need a dental cleaning?

Once your dog has turned 3 or 4, you should start having your vet monitor her dental health. As pets generally age, they tend to develop similar dental diseases as humans. Vets will recommend that you brush your dog's teeth daily. However, if this isn't possible, you should at least clean her teeth regularly so that she doesn't begin to develop periodontal disease or tartar.

Does my dog need a blood test?

All pets need to get an annual blood test to screen for liver and kidney disease, diabetes, cancer as well as other congenital illnesses that are treatable if detected early enough. Your dog should be no exception as the blood test is critical in maintaining her overall quality of health.

Should I be giving my dog more appropriate food?

The pet food industry has made remarkable progress in the development of healthy foods that are high in protein but low in fillers. However, few people choose premium food for their dogs. Discuss with your vet about the type of food you are currently giving her and ask for recommendations on healthy, age-appropriate food for your dog.

My dog is acting weird. Any idea why?

If you observe any behavioral changes in your dog such as aggression or elimination, inform you vet about it. Since dogs don't speak as us humans, they result to bad behavior to let you as their guardian know that something is just not right inside.

What are these lumps and bumps on my dog?

As all pets age, they naturally develop moles, bumps, and lumps. Age here is the main culprit for the development of any of these. However, you need to ensure that none of these lumps are cancerous. Point out to the vet any hard bumps, strange moles, or fatty lumps and ask for a biopsy if necessary.

Those are the 6 main questions that you need to ask your vet when you take your dog for her next annual check-up. You however, need to take your dog to the vet for the annual check-up. If you find your dog having even the slightest behavioral changes, you need to take it to the vet.


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