Monday 28 May 2018

Choosing The Best Doggy Day Care For Your Pal

Many of us have to work at least 40 hours a week, and leaving our dogs home alone can be stressful. Not only for us, but our pets as well. Many dogs when left unattended will become bored and bad behavior patterns arise.

One of the best solutions in making sure your pup is happy while you are at work, is to drop them off at a doggy day care. Many pet owners might be surprised to find out there is such a thing. They have actually become just as popular as child day care centers.

Just as you would want to make sure you put your child in a good day care, the same goes for your pet. This article is designed to help you find the best doggy day care in your area.

The first thing you want to do is just drop by for an unexpected visit in the middle of the day. See if you will be allowed to take a quick walk through the center. Most day cares will be more than willing to accommodate you. You want to be on the look out for strong odors, bored and anxious dogs, and uncleaned pens.

While you are taking your tour, take note of how the dogs are separated. You do not want to see overly large dogs playing in the same areas as the wee small ones. Just like a school playground, the smaller ones will be bullied around. For many larger breed dogs the high pitched squealing makes them sound more like prey as opposed to a playmate. Many doggy daycare centers will have separate play areas for the dogs, or they will have different play times scheduled.

While you are visiting the day care, ask for an application. You actually want to receive one that asks a lot of questions about you and your pet. This is a good thing, it shows they care about the well being of the dogs that are left in their care. Many day cares will not allow dogs that have not been spayed/neutered and up to date vaccinations on the property. There are many others that will not allow certain breeds to enter as well. Do not take it personally, they are just trying to keep a safe environment for all the dogs on location.

Lastly, you want to observe the staff that is present the day you arrive. Do they look like they are enjoying their job? You can easily tell if they are talking doggy talk, playing with the dogs, and just generally have a smile on their face. For most people, it would be hard not to have a huge smile on their face from playing with dogs all day. If the staff is rude and acting aloof, you may be better to keep on looking. Another thing to look for is the amount of employees in the center. You could be the friendliest, biggest dog lover in the world. But if you are the only one caring for 15-20 dogs, that could be problematic.

There are also doggy day cares that can offer medical treatment, mini vacations, and even daily spa treatments. No matter where you decide to leave your pup while at work, make sure they are going to be well cared for.


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