Wednesday 2 May 2018

7 Things That Will Keep Your Dog Healthy And Active

Your dog is a part of your family and you want your family to be happy and healthy. Having a healthy dog will take some effort on your part. You'll want to ensure that you follow those these 7 tips to help your pet stay healthy, happy and active.

Regular Exercise

Just as a humans needs regular exercise to be healthy, your pet will need regular exercise to be healthy as well. Plan to have plenty of outings with your dog. These outings should include walks and runs in the park or an area where you pet can safely run and let off some energy. It will be good for you as well to get out and get moving.

Healthy Diet

While a junk food diet might taste good, it is not going to provide the nutrition the body requires. Your pet has the same needs for nutrition. Choose a pet food that will provide all of the required nutrients for your pet to lead a healthy and happy life. Check with your veterinarian and find out what you pet needs in a good quality pet food.

Healthy Weight

Overweight pets do not live as long as those pets that are at a healthy weight. If your pet is overweight talk with your veterinarian and find out what to do to help your beloved pet to lose weight.

Regular Veterinarian Visits

Your dog will require regular visits to the veterinarian. He or she will check your pet out for any health issues and properly vaccinate your pet to keep your pet healthy. Do not neglect your pets health. If you can't afford veterinary bills talk to your veterinarian about dog insurance as well. Preventative care will help keep your pet healthy and keep your veterinarian bills lower.

Proper Dental Care

Just as in humans, proper dental care is important for pets. Healthy gums mean a healthy dog. Talk to your veterinarian about proper dental care for your pet.

Plenty of Love

Everyone needs love, even your dog. Give your pet plenty of love and affection. He will return it to you and you'll both feel healthier and happier.

Safe Environment

Whether your pet is an indoor dog, an outdoor dog or somewhere in between, you need to provide a safe and healthy environment for your pet. Ensure that your dog has shelter and cover in inclement weather. If your pet is an indoor pet designate a specific area for your pet to sleep. Consider it your dogs bedroom and give your pet some toys that are safe for him or her to play with. Your dog needs to have a place to go if he or she needs a time out or if you have company that your pet isn't comfortable with.

Practicing proper care will go far in helping your dog to give you the best years of its life. By following these 7 tips your dog will be healthy and active for many years to come.


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