Thursday 31 May 2018

What You Need To Do If Your Puppy Gets Sick

Puppies are fragile animals that need extra love and attention until they can grow into their full adult bodies. When a puppy becomes sick you may be confused as what to do to ensure that the puppy recovers fully. There are a few practices you can take to help your puppy heal and feel better about themselves throughout the entire sickness. Follow the advice outlined here so that you can rest assured that your puppy will be fine and that he or she will recover in a short amount of time.

First of all it is important to keep the puppy warm, especially during the colder months out of the year. Consider purchasing an extra blanket or two for the puppy's bed so that they can snuggle comfortably in between the sheets. Secondly, keep your home warm to allow your puppy a comfortable area to inhabit. Always make sure your puppy has plenty of food and water so that they can remain properly nourished to help combat their sickness. All of these things are important towards helping your puppy remain comfortable and healthy.

Have you taken your puppy to the veterinarian? Depending on the severity of the sickness, you may want to take your puppy to get checked by a veterinarian. He or she may be able to prescribe some medication for your puppy to take so that he or she can heal quicker. No matter what you do it is important to help make your puppy feel loved, especially if they just moved into your home not too long ago. Pet your puppy and give it genuine love to let he or she know they are accepted in your household, that way the puppy feels confident about its living situation.

One last thing you should always do in your home is clean it thoroughly. Remove as much dirt, dust, and grime from your home as possible. Avoid creating an atmosphere where the puppy can breathe in a lot of dust and other particles, this is not healthy for the puppy. Try your best to clean your home as frequently as possible not only for your puppy's health, but for your health as well. Also, clean your kitchen and bathroom thoroughly to remove the possibility of mold from accumulating throughout your home. Mold is toxic and can harm you, your puppy, and anyone else living in your home. Maintain a clean home and take care of your pet and they will be back to normal in no time.


Deciding If You Want To Bring Your Dog To Work With You

With more companies allowing people to bring their dogs to work it can be a tempting idea. Knowing that your friend is home alone all day every day can make you want to bring them along with you and to give them some form of interaction. If you are wondering whether this is a good idea there are a few factors that might help you come to a decision.

First off having your pet with you at work has been shown to boost your morale and productivity. If you are the kind of person who loves shooting your newest idea past your canine pal bringing them to the office might be a great idea. Having your dog in the office often gives you a reason to look forward to your breaks and to stay focused when you aren't on break.

Before you take your dog to work make sure that your dog is well behaved. If your dog doesn't respond well to basic commands then it might not be a good idea to bring them. Similarly a hyper or loud dog should probably not be brought into the office. However if your dog likes to lay at your feet and spend time with you they might be the perfect candidate for coming into the office with you.

Make sure you have the room and attention to keep your dog with you at work. If you have a very small office or a job that demands a huge amount of attention you might want to leave your dog at home. Having adequate room to be comfortable will go a very long way to keeping your dog calm and wall behaved during your work day. Likewise being able to pay attention to them when they need it can prevent messes and misbehavior.

Make sure that your dog is used to other dogs. If you are going to bring your dog into the office there is a chance other people in your office will as well. It is important to know how your dog will react to new dogs and to know how to socialize them. This will also let you know when your dog is over stimulated and needs to go somewhere quiet for a few minutes.

If you are bringing your dog to work you might want to consider their feeding schedule. Feeding your dog at the office can be a bad idea. Other dogs may want to take your dogs food or your dog may feel the need to defend their food if you do. If you must feed them do so while you are having lunch and try to feed them away from other dogs.

Finally make sure that your dog has access to cool water. New situations can be exciting and that excitement can make your dog thirstier than usual. Also having water makes sure that your dog doesn't feel hungry when they are just thirsty. You should always have adequate water available for your dog.

Choosing to take your dog into work can be a personally fulfilling decision. Only you know if your dog will thrive in the office environment. Using these tips you should be able to determine if your dog and your office life fit together.

Note: Take Your Dog To Work Day June 22. Check out below.

Take Your Dog To Work Day


Wednesday 30 May 2018

How To Determine Safety In A Dog Park

Living in a large city it can be hard to socialize your dog and make sure they get the exercise they need. Walking your pet is only convenient if you live in a quiet neighborhood with lots of surfaces that don't hurt their feet. Beyond that walking your dog in the same neighborhood day after day can get boring. Off-leash dog parks are an alternative to this but are they really safe for you and your pet?

The answer is that a dog park is as safe as you make it. By this I mean that it is not a place where you can ignore your pet and assume that they are safe. You can only control the behavior of your dog. Keeping an eye on your pet can ensure that they do not get into trouble.

Often dog parks will have aggressive or scared dogs. These dogs will generally leave your pet alone if they are left alone. This is where you come in, make sure that any dogs your pet interacts with have their humans nearby. In addition make sure that you watch the body language of strange dogs as well as your own dog.

Make sure that no dogs are approached when they have their ears laid back or are baring their teeth. If a dog seems skittish but their owner wants to socialize them keep a firm hold on your dog. Be ready to move away if it looks like the other canine needs some space. Responsible treatment of both your pet and other dogs can make a world of difference.

Canines often act as if they are in packs. This can be seen within a dog park. If your pet is new to a park make sure that they are gradually introduced. Just because human laws say that your dog is welcome doesn't mean that other dogs will accept your dog.

Do not force your pet into situations that it seems uncomfortable with. It is completely okay to go to the park and be off to the side with your pet. The goal is for your dog to get exercise and to enjoy itself. Slowly by being around the other dogs your dog should be accepted and you will begin to see them being friendly with each other.

One of the best ways to keep your pet safe in a dog park is to leave if things begin to escalate. If you feel another canine is being aggressive with your dog, remove your dog from the situation. Your pet cannot be harmed it is not in harms way. You can always come back another day and try again.

Dog parks can be a fun and rewarding experience if you make sure that your dog is watched well. Remember that you can only trust your own dog to behave and you can only control your own dog. Keep your pet comfortable and under control and you should have no problems in a dog park. As always being a responsible owner will go far to ensure the safety of yourself, your pet, and others around you.


Here Are 5 Interesting Facts About Dogs

You may think you know everything about dogs, but we bet there are 5 interesting facts about dogs that you may not know. Do you want to find out what those facts are? If so, continue to read the rest of this article.

1. Dogs can understand many words and gestures - You probably already know that dogs can understand so many different words and gestures. What you may not know is just how many they are able to understand. So how many gestures and words can they understand? They have the ability to understand more than 200, which is a lot.

2. Many dogs live in America - America may not be the biggest country in the world, in terms of landmass, but they are home to the most dogs. That may not surprise you, but what might is that France comes second. That's right, France is home to more dogs than many larger countries.

3. Dogs' ears are very muscular - When you look at a dog's ear, you might not be able to tell, but they are very muscular. Not necessarily in size, but in terms of the amount of muscle. What we are trying to say is that dogs ears contain double the muscle than humans' ears.

4. Greyhounds run very fast - Greyhound dogs can run very fast, and that is why there is Greyhound racing. This is really not a secret, but do you know just how fast they can run? Try up to 45mph, which is almost as fast as some speed limits set on many roadways. Dogs run fast in general, but Greyhounds are the quickest dogs in the world, so if you ever get a Greyhound for a pet, make sure you have plenty of land because they love to run.

5. Dogs aren't colorblind - Many people assume that dogs are colorblind, and they believe that all dogs see in black and white. However, the fact is that dogs are not actually colorblind. Dogs can detect color, but it is just not as vivid as humans' vision.

There are many other interesting facts out there that you might not know about dogs. However, the five that were discussed above are some of the facts that people rarely know about dogs. The five facts talked about in the article might help you have a better understanding of dogs, or some of the facts may have even answered some questions you didn't have the answers to.


Tuesday 29 May 2018

Help Your Child Overcome A Fear Of Your Dog

There are many children who are afraid of dogs. Maybe there was something that happened to cause them to be afraid. Sometimes the reason is not so clear. What if this child is your child and you would like to get a dog? How do you get your child to overcome his fear of your dog?

1. Acknowledge the fear. The first thing to do when wanting to overcome anything is to acknowledge that it is there. Some parents try to tell their child that there fear is not there. This makes the child feel like maybe they are just dumb for feeling afraid of dogs. It does not help them to overcome their fear.

2. Take it slowly. Perhaps while the dog and child are in the same room, put the dog on a leash or safely in a kennel. This way the dog and child can get to know each other without fear. They can then gradually work their way into being with each other in the same room together.

3. Teach your child to use his manners. Just like we humans need our space, dogs, too, need their space. Many dogs do not like when you put your face in their face. Most dogs appreciate when you put your hand out for them to sniff before rushing to pet them. No dog likes it when you hit, pinch, or abuse them in any way.

4. Teach your child to read the dog's cues. Just like humans use words and body language to let others know what they want or need, dogs "speak" to us about what they like or don't like by using their body language and barks, snarls, and snaps.

Some examples of dog cues would be:

* Tail between legs equals nervous

* Ears forward and eyes intense equals interested

* Teeth barred or growling equals aggressive

* Panting, tongue out, and tail wagging equals happy

5. Give your child a job in taking care of the dog. If your child has a job, it might make bonding with the dog a little bit easier. Perhaps you can start by feeding the dog. Be sure to work gradually. Don't rush it. Other jobs that your child can do are yard clean up, taking the dog for a walk, or grooming the dog. Giving them a job, can also teach your child that they can be in control.

6. Let your child and dog play. Teach your child to play safely with your dog. For example, throwing a ball is a less interactive game that your child can play. There is also more interactive play which would include tug and chase.

Remember that children learn best from their parents. They will follow how you interact with the dog. Also, remember that dogs can sense fear. Be very careful when working with your child so his fear is not made worse by getting injured. Regardless why your child is afraid of your dog, it is possible for them to overcome this fear. It will take time and patience.


Ever Wonder Why Your Dog Chases Shadows?

If you've ever had the pleasure of owning a pet dog, you might be surprised to find out that it chases shadows. You probably wonder why your dog would be following a shadow, especially when there isn't any other kind of animal around you. You probably will feel pretty perplexed as you find your dog is going around crazy over a simple shadow that is emanating from a nearby shrub. However, there are many reasons as to why your dog chases shadows, and this article will take you right through them.

First of all, it is very common for many puppies to chase shadows when they are going for a walk or perhaps in the backyard. If you've ever had a puppy, you know just how restless and playful they can be. Many times, when they are bored, they will play games with themselves where they will play around with nearby shadows. This is something that shouldn't worry you at all, and simply means that your puppy is having a good time playing around with his surroundings. Furthermore, it's usually a good sign as it shows that your puppy is very aware of his surroundings, great for guarding you at night!

A lot of the time, your dog, whether he is fully grown or a puppy, chases shadows because it's his own shadow! Much like how dogs like to chase their tail, dogs sometimes like to chase their own shadow. If you've seen a dog chase their tail, you will know that they will go in circles for quite a while until they realize that it's impossible for them to actually reach their tail. Much like this, a dog will continue in vain to chase their shadow just to realize that every time they move, the shadow moves even further away from them!

Dogs chasing their own shadows is also nothing to be concerned about, it's simply the dog playing around and enjoying itself. Your dog probably thinks that the shadow is another dog, when in fact, it's actually himself. When you think about it, it certainly is cute how the dog is thinking that his shadow is another dog. Dogs can go ahead and chase their own shadow throughout their entire life, or grow out of it, either way - it is completely normal.

Dogs chasing shadows is something that is common throughout many different breeds of dogs. You will find that many dog owners, especially the ones you see on online dog communities have seen their dogs playing around with nearby or their own shadow. It seems that this kind of behavior is very typical in dogs and is simply a playful act which they perform when they are idle or are bored.

There you have it, the real reason why you dog or puppy might be chasing shadows. There really isn't anything strange or uncommon about the behavior. If the behavior annoys you, you might find that you can stop them from chasing shadows by bringing out their favorite toy.


Monday 28 May 2018

Does Your Dog Need Vitamins and Supplements?

Dogs' nutrition has changed even more than human nutrition has in the last 40 years. With the advent of dry dog food (for convenience) nutritional for dogs has changed dramatically. Because of the nutritional deficiencies of dry dog food, dogs have a hard time getting the right vitamins and minerals in their diets. The question of whether or not your dog needs vitamins and supplements will be answered below.

The short answer to this question is yes. Dogs do need additional vitamins and supplements in order to maintain proper nutritional levels. In order for dogs to get the proper amount of vitamins and minerals, they should be either given supplements to fill the gaps, or be provided real food, innards, and bones from animals. Dogs are just like humans in that they will not function optimally unless they have an optimal nutritional intake.

Vitamin Supplement
The fact is, dogs are not meant to eat grains and other fillers that dog food is largely made up of. They are meant to eat real nutrient dense foods such as; beef liver, soft bones, and hearts. Without these staples in a dog's diet, they end up without essential nutrients and these essential nutrients can only be made up by giving supplements.

Supplements are definitely not the ideal thing to feed your dogs. Just as real food is ideal for humans, it is the same with dogs. Dogs should only be given supplements if it is not feasible to provide them with the necessary building blocks on their regular diets. Although not ideal, supplements will end up being better than nothing. They will help dogs maintain a balance in their diets and allow them to function better than they would without any supplements to begin with.

However, it is very important that the supplements you buy/give are from a reputable manufacturer. Because supplements are not FDA regulated, the market is full of irresponsible companies that are selling bad quality supplements. You need to be sure that you are not one of those people that buys the supplements made from these kinds of manufacturers. You should always do extra research to ensure that the supplements you purchase are made of good quality and come from good sources. In order to do this, you should look at the supplement companies reputation on the Internet. By searching for the reputation of the manufacturer, you should get a good idea on how reputable they are.

Another way you can tell is if you check out third-party reviews. By checking out third-party reviews, you can see which supplements are the best on the market and which ones do not live up to the proper quality control standards. One of the best websites for this type of information is Consumer Reports. This website has great information on different supplement manufacturers for dogs, and you should be able to obtain enough reliable information to make a better-informed buying decision for your dog. Always check with a veterinarian professional before making any changes to your dog's health care routine.


Choosing The Best Doggy Day Care For Your Pal

Many of us have to work at least 40 hours a week, and leaving our dogs home alone can be stressful. Not only for us, but our pets as well. Many dogs when left unattended will become bored and bad behavior patterns arise.

One of the best solutions in making sure your pup is happy while you are at work, is to drop them off at a doggy day care. Many pet owners might be surprised to find out there is such a thing. They have actually become just as popular as child day care centers.

Just as you would want to make sure you put your child in a good day care, the same goes for your pet. This article is designed to help you find the best doggy day care in your area.

The first thing you want to do is just drop by for an unexpected visit in the middle of the day. See if you will be allowed to take a quick walk through the center. Most day cares will be more than willing to accommodate you. You want to be on the look out for strong odors, bored and anxious dogs, and uncleaned pens.

While you are taking your tour, take note of how the dogs are separated. You do not want to see overly large dogs playing in the same areas as the wee small ones. Just like a school playground, the smaller ones will be bullied around. For many larger breed dogs the high pitched squealing makes them sound more like prey as opposed to a playmate. Many doggy daycare centers will have separate play areas for the dogs, or they will have different play times scheduled.

While you are visiting the day care, ask for an application. You actually want to receive one that asks a lot of questions about you and your pet. This is a good thing, it shows they care about the well being of the dogs that are left in their care. Many day cares will not allow dogs that have not been spayed/neutered and up to date vaccinations on the property. There are many others that will not allow certain breeds to enter as well. Do not take it personally, they are just trying to keep a safe environment for all the dogs on location.

Lastly, you want to observe the staff that is present the day you arrive. Do they look like they are enjoying their job? You can easily tell if they are talking doggy talk, playing with the dogs, and just generally have a smile on their face. For most people, it would be hard not to have a huge smile on their face from playing with dogs all day. If the staff is rude and acting aloof, you may be better to keep on looking. Another thing to look for is the amount of employees in the center. You could be the friendliest, biggest dog lover in the world. But if you are the only one caring for 15-20 dogs, that could be problematic.

There are also doggy day cares that can offer medical treatment, mini vacations, and even daily spa treatments. No matter where you decide to leave your pup while at work, make sure they are going to be well cared for.


Wednesday 23 May 2018

All You Need To Know About The Manchester Terrier

The Manchester Terrier is a smooth-haired terrier breed that is very intelligent, cunning and is high-spirited. This terrier breed is loved by many because of its inquisitive nature and is very eager to learn. It displays the true nature of terrier breeds; terriers are lively, independent, faithful, alert and sporty. Manchester terriers make terrific watchdogs and are very loyal to their owners.

Standard Breed
Toy Breed
There are two different varieties of this breed. These are the Standard and Toy breeds. However, in their native land, England, these two varieties are considered to be two completely different breeds; the Manchester terrier and the English Toy Terrier.

However, when it comes to actually selecting a pure breed dog, there are several factors that will play a crucial role in the decision making process. For instance, their ears will be determinant in identifying your breed. Toys have erect ears and never crop. Standard ones however enjoy a bit more freedom as their ears can naturally be erect, "button" or cropped.

Nonetheless, despite the differences in ears and size, the standard terrier and toy terrier are pretty basically one and the same dog. They both have the same striking character. As earlier mentioned, they are an extremely loyal dog and are devoted to its owner. This dog breed craves to be noticed while at the same time it is not overly demanding. As such, you shouldn't expect to see any signs of begging or pawing for attention from this dog.

Completely devoted to companionship, the Manchester terrier does not do well when left alone for extended periods of time. They tend to get nervous and bored in such situations and will usually end up adopting destructive behaviors and loud, excessive barking. To avoid this, exercising your dog often will usually work.

Manchester terriers can live for well over 14 years. If not well exercised and overfed, this dog breed will tend to become obese. As such, it is important that you exercise your dog often. They are a sporty, agile and obedient breed and love being taken out for walks. However, it important to have them on a leash because when their hunting instinct kicks in, they tend to forget their training and will give chase.

It is important to note that this breed can be stubborn and a bit difficult to housebreak. As such, crate training the recommended option when it comes to potty training. When looking for a good, healthy and manageable pure breed Manchester terrier, it is important that you buy one from a reputable breeder with a great history of raising Manchester terriers and tests his or her breeding dogs to ensure that they have no hereditary diseases that could be passed on to their young.


Boston Terrier Facts

Boston Terriers, also known as Boston Bulls and Boston Bull Terriers, are a breed of dog that originates from Boston, Massachusetts. These dogs came into existence in the late 1800's when English bulldogs were bred with English White Terriers, a breed that is now extinct. The AKC recognized the breed in 1893. It was one of the very first non-sporting breeds to originate in the United States!

Boston Terriers have an average height of 15 to 17 inches and average weight of 10 to 25 pounds. Their short body has a square appearance. They have square-shaped heads that is proportionate to the rest of their body.

As far as personality goes, Boston Terriers are very intelligent, alert, and gentle dogs. They are also very energetic dogs who without the proper amount of exercise, can become rather high strung. On the other hand, they are indoor dogs and should never be kept outside for long periods of time. Therefore, these terriers are perfectly fine with living in apartments or homes without a backyard. Since they have such a high level of intelligence, they listen well to humans and are very easy to train. However, it is important that you do train them, as without proper guidance, they can become a bit rough with other dogs. They do make a great family pet and are even good companions to the elderly.

These dogs have a short coat, making it easy to keep up with grooming. They do not need to be bathed as often as other dogs do. Also, a firm bristle brush and comb are all that is needed to groom. Just be sure to wipe their face and eyes each day, as these are the areas on them that do tend to get dirty!

When it comes to health problems, issues with the eyes are most common with Boston Terriers. Corneal ulcers, glaucoma, dry eye, juvenile and late-onset cataracts, and distichiasis are some eye conditions they are known to commonly have. Other health conditions they are prone to include heart and skin tumors, patellar luxation, and deafness. Overexertion in extremely hot or cold weather can cause breathing problems. When they stay healthy, the average life span of a Boston Terrier is 15 years. Also, beware that these dogs do tend to have flatulence issues. So, if you do not want them to smell up your whole home, be sure to watch what you feed them.


Tuesday 22 May 2018

All About The Jack Russell Terrier

The Mask, the Wizard of Oz, Wishbone, and Frasier. What do these four popular shows and movies have in common? The Jack Russell Terrier! This small size dog breed has been a favorite in the media for not only being charming, but shrewd and very cheerful. There are many amazing qualities and facts about the Jack Russell Terrier. Here are just a few things to know about them.

The Jack Russell Terrier originates from England about two centuries ago. The original purpose of the Jack Russell Terrier was to hunt foxes. Being that foxes are agile and quick animals, the Jack Russell requires just as much energy to keep up with the fox. That being said, in addition to being intelligent dogs, these dogs have an almost unlimited amount of stamina and must always be kept physically busy.

This is actually the contrary of what TV shows and movies portray. The JRT's shown in the media usually appear to be animals that are content with being in one's arms or lap. While these dogs are very affectionate, anyone who is thinking of adopting such spirited dog should keep in mind that they were bred to hunt and to work. As such, they require a great amount of attention and dedication. When keeping these dogs active with mental and physical activity will decrease, if not eliminate, any unwanted behavior, such as destroying furniture and clothing.

Bravery is the next trait to know about this breed. They appear to have no fear and will have no problem defending itself or standing up to a much larger breed of dog. They are also content with being the only Jack Russell in the home. Experts recommend separating or keeping two Jack Russell Terriers from each other. They can become quite possessive with things that they see, and again, have no problems defending what they feel is theirs.

It's always best to understand the characteristics and traits of a dog, regardless of the breed. This will help to make sure that there's a solid relationship between the JRT and its human owner. It is true that these small breeds require plenty of attention and time, but it is well worth to know that they enjoy, as well as excel, at training and will have no issues understanding what they are being taught. In the end, not only Jack Russell Terriers are hardworking, intelligent, and witty dogs, but kind, charming, and loving to their human friends.


Monday 21 May 2018

How To Choose A Puppy For The Family Pet

Choosing a new puppy to be the family pet can be somewhat of an overwhelming task. You need to take into consideration your lifestyle as well as environment and choose an animal that will fit well. The first consideration is whether the family wants a large active puppy or a small cute one.

Mixed Breed Puppy

A purebred puppy or a mixed breed puppy will be the first decision you need to make. Each breed of dog has its own personalities and comes with some common predictable traits. Consider what your intended purpose for the pet will be. Companion dogs love a warm lap and are drawn to comfort. Dog breeds that are protection dogs tend to be serious, to not like a chaotic or unpredictable life. Retrieving and hunting dogs tend to be high energy and need to fulfill a sense of purpose.

Choosing a mixed breed puppy also has its advantages because they offer the same love, devotion, and loyalty as other puppies. Some may argue that this type of puppy is healthier because of their combined gene pool. Whatever breed you decide, it is important that they will be able to easily adapt to your lifestyle and environment to avoid serious issues down the road.

Mixed Breed Puppy

If you can, you want to observe the litter to see how the puppies interact with each other. This allows you to see the type of personality that they have. By observing the litter you can also see the type of energy level that the puppy has as well.

Make sure that the puppy has clear bright eyes that have no discharge, and that the nose is damp, cold and clean. A puppy that does not have this may have some health issues. See how the puppy reacts when you first walk in the room.

A puppy that will come up to you right away means they have a good personality for meeting new people. The puppy that ignores you and is more interested in its surroundings will tend to be a lot more independent. They should not show any signs of being fearful or very shy. That is the puppy you do not want for a family pet.

Taking into account all these considerations before making your purchase will allow you to choose the best puppy possible as your new family pet. Remember puppies have their own personality and energy levels. Choose the one that fits in your lifestyle and environment the best, and all of you will have a happy relationship for years to come.
