Wednesday 31 October 2018

5 Common Signs of Dog Separation Anxiety To Watch Out For

If you notice that your pet dog has been acting up lately and you don't know why, he may be experiencing separation anxiety which is a common issue in canines. It is when they feel stressed when left alone resulting in negative behavior. Any dog parent or pet owner should be able to tell the difference between a dog being sad when their owner leaves the house and the more serious separation anxiety. Knowing the symptoms will be a great deal of help to fight the issue or even prevent it.

Here are 5 common signs of dog separation anxiety that should be observed:

Barking or whining (or both) is the most common sign of separation anxiety in dogs. They would usually start this behavior once their owner leaves and won't stop until they return. The barking is a cry for their owner to come back to the pack.


While dogs naturally love to chew on just about anything, excessive and destructive chewing is a separation anxiety symptom. This behavior in canines is similar to when humans chew gum in order to stay calm.


When a dog is stressed, one usual behavior would be digging. This is usually accompanied by general destruction so if you find that one of your shoes have been chewed on, papers in your house are scattered and played with and other similar scenarios while you were gone, you should start observing your pet, especially if it is accompanied by digging.


While almost all dogs drool, it can be a sign of stress when excessive. It is hard to tell whether excessive drooling is medical related or due to the stress of separation anxiety, so try to be more observant. If your pet has this issue all of a sudden and you're not sure of the cause, it is best to consult with your veterinarian.

Peeing and Pooping

Another common sign of dog separation anxiety is urinating or pooping inside the house, especially if your pet is potty trained or knows how to do his business outside. If this happens only when you are away, it means that your pet is indeed stressed.

Separation anxiety in dogs is a serious condition. Canines are naturally loyal and loving and it makes them sad when they are away from you which they see as the leader of their pack. Watch out for these signs to help fight the issue!


8 Easy Ways To Minimize Dog Shedding

If your dog is shedding fur excessively, it's not something to be ignored. There are a variety of reasons why this happens. Apart from dog shedding season (which occurs in spring and later in the fall), it can be caused by a lack of nutrition, stress as well as health issues such as skin problems, mange, ringworm, and even cancer. Keep in mind that female dogs shed more compared to male ones.
Whatever the cause is, follow these 8 easy tips to reduce dog shedding:
Clean Water
Insufficient water can cause dry skin in canines which worsens shedding. Make sure your pet has access to clean, fresh water at all times.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil does wonders for a dog's skin health. For every 10 pounds of dog, give a teaspoon of coconut oil until his condition improves.
Fish Oil

Like coconut oil, fish oil is very beneficial for the coat of canines. This natural medicine contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which help improve a dog's skin. He gets a glistening coat, too!
Olive Oil
Olive oil is not only good for humans but for dogs, too. It is proven to help promote a healthy and shiny coat in canines. Per 15 pounds of your pet's weight, give 1 teaspoon of olive oil.
If you observe your dog scratching a lot and suffering from itchiness, treat him with oatmeal. Prepare a warm bath of water with 1 cup of colloidal oatmeal powder and let him soak in the bath for 6 to 10 minutes. Do this daily until the itchiness goes away.
A yeast infection can also cause shedding in dogs. To treat this, give him a small amount of plain yogurt as a snack regularly. This will not only help cure the yeast infection but your pet will also benefit from the nutrients that yogurt contains.

Another ingredient proven effective to fight yeast infection in canines is vinegar. Aside from fighting yeast infection, vinegar is also an excellent remedy for a lot of skin problems in dogs.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is good for human health but can also be beneficial to canines, especially their skin health. Apply Vitamin E directly to your dog's coat to help fight dry skin and excessive shedding.

Try using these ingredients to help minimize dog shedding - they're inexpensive and readily available in stores. If your dog's condition doesn't improve after a while, it is still best to consult your veterinarian.


Tuesday 30 October 2018

5 Effective Ways To Prevent Dog Diabetes

Did you know that there is a whopping 80 percent increase in dog diabetes since the year 2006? Unfortunately, this health problem is very common in canines. According to a veterinarian in Florida's BluePearl Veterinary Partners, Dr. Anthony Ishak, diabetes is not always prevented in canines. If your fur baby does develop the disease later on, there are many ways how you can help him manage the health problem properly and make it easier for him.

Here are 5 effective ways to prevent diabetes in dogs:

Don't miss your routine check ups

Routine check ups are very important to ensure that your pet is in a healthy state, so don't miss them. If your dog is recommended for a blood test, a vaccination or even just a follow-up visit to the vet then you must show up. Also, don't hesitate to ask advice from your veterinarian if you notice any changes in your dog's appetite, behavior, thirst, urine or poop habits to make sure they're not symptoms of a major health problem. According to Dr. Ishak, many diseases like pancreatitis and Cushing's disease increases a canine's chance of developing diabetes.

Keep your pet physically active

Experts say that regular exercise helps lower the chance of diabetes in both humans and dogs. Exercise helps your pet maintain a healthy weight and regulate his blood sugar levels which greatly contributes to both prevention and management of the disease. A daily walk and some free time to run and play out in the yard or at the park should do it.

Get your female pet spayed

Hormone fluctuations play a role in the risk of the disease. Get female dogs spayed - this does not only help prevent the condition but also lowers the chance of her developing other health problems.

Consider dog food quality

Dogs who eat a high protein diet are less likely to develop the disease compared to those who mostly consume simple carbohydrates in their dog food. A diet rich in protein helps stabilize your pet's blood sugar levels therefore lowers the chance of developing diabetes. When buying dog food, consider the quality of the ingredients used.

Feed your dog more fruits and vegetables

This is a no-brainer - eating a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables is the best way to prevent or manage most health problems, including diabetes. Consider making homemade dog food and treats to make sure your pet is eating healthy.

To prevent or manage dog diabetes, simply follow these tips!


Why Dogs Lick

When a dog licks a person it can be irritating and uncomfortable, but it all depends on if you have a liking to dogs because otherwise, it's a nice feeling. It's not everybody who would like to be licked by a dog. Dogs also lick other dogs and themselves constantly. It's best to first know the cause of the licking in order to know how to curb it if it gets out of hand. The following are some of the reasons.

For cleaning purposes.

Dogs lick themselves clean. They will use licking as a way to groom themselves, this is by licking their face clean, their pawns and also the body.

We taste good.

Yes, our bodies have a salty taste that the dogs enjoy licking, this will lead to the dog constant licking so as to enjoy that taste. A dog will lick you when you have a new smell and it wants to taste it.

As a form of communication.

A dog may be licking so as to pass a message; maybe it's feeding time, grooming time or it may need something. It's good to check out and see what may be needed and as soon as it's sorted the licking will stop. If its licking another dog maybe it means that it likes the dog.

Attention seeking.

The dog may be neglected and therefore it's seeking to be noticed and recognized. As soon as you take note the licking may stop. A dog may simply want to be included in whatever the owner is doing, maybe they are having a talk and the dog is just out watching.

As a form of affection.

The dog uses licking to show its affection towards the owner and other family members and also towards other dogs. When the dog is constantly licking you, it's a form of affection towards you.

Skin irritation and allergies.

The skin maybe irritable as a result of maybe being dirty and therefore have bred flies which causes constant itching and scratching which the dog will calm down by licking. Allergies also result in a lot of scratching and the dog will resort to licking to calm down. Therefore check the skin so as to be sure.

Injuries and pain.

If the dog has been injured, he will lick the wound constantly to clean it and also because saliva from the dog helps in speeding the healing process. The dog will lick an injured body part to help relieve the pain.

Stress and boredom.

The dog may develop a liking to licking, the reason being bored. When it has nothing to do with its alone, it turns to licking. When the dog has stressed it turns to licking which is good since it helps in relieving stress.

In conclusion, it's advisable to visit a veterinary officer for consultation and also to ascertain the reason behind the licking. When a dog continuously licks one part it should be stopped so as to avoid it turning to a serious wound and to also avoid hair loss.


Monday 29 October 2018

Vestibular Disease in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Vestibular system aids in providing equilibrium and a sense of spatial orientation to dogs. But a dysfunction can have serious effects on the balance systems of the dog's body. This system includes the parts of the inner ear and brain, which are responsible for the balance and eye movements. If the network is damaged by illness, aging, or injury, serious disorders can result, and are often associated with one or more of these signs, among others: Vertigo and dizziness.

There are two types of this disorder in dogs:

· Central Vestibular Disorder

· Peripheral Vestibular Disorder

The first one is less common but more serious form of this disease that originates inside the central nervous system.

The second type of this disease happens when there is an annoyance to the nerves connecting the inner ear with the brain. This results in failure of balance and other symptoms resulting in vertigo and dizziness. This illness can look to be quite melodramatic to the dog owner if this is the first time the dog has been affected. But most of the times the dog recovers with supportive care and treatment.


· Chronic and perennial inner and middle ear infections

· Overzealous cleansing of the ears leading to perforated eardrum

· Trauma from head injury

· Stroke

· Tumors

· Polyps

· Hypothyroidism

· Meningoencephalitis

Signs And Symptoms

· Head tilting

· Loss of co-ordination

· Circling and stumbling

· Staggering

· Falling and rolling

Congenital Vestibular disease is seen between birth and three months of age. Certain dogs are more predisposed to this condition, including Doberman Pinschers, English Cocker Spaniel, Beagle, German Shepherd, Tibetan Terrier and Smooth Fox Terrier.

This disorder is often mistaken as a stroke. Vertigo originated by this disease has an adverse effect on older dogs having symptoms like difficulty to stand up, circling, nystagmus, nausea, and head tilt. Older dogs are more stressed out due to this disease and so there is a need reduce their stress through earthy calming agents like amino acid, L-theanine and herbs including hops, Valerian, chamomile, and passionflower. Other remedies, including GABA, flower essences, tryptophan, and Homeopathics are also good in calming overwhelmed dogs.


The veterinarian would conduct a physical examination to determine whether the disorder is peripheral or central. In case, a peripheral form of the condition is found, the veterinarian would use an otoscope to look deep into the ears of the pet. There are times when X-rays would be required. The veterinarian would also take the aid of blood tests, culture, sensitivity and cytology to get rid of other likely causes of specific symptoms. For tumors and polyps your veterinarian would propose a surgical biopsy. In case the central Vestibular disease is determined, the veterinarian would use an MRI or CT scan along with spinal fluid taps to find the root cause. If it is due to infection, then it has to be resolved.


It is possible to alleviate nausea and vomiting with motion sickness treatments, but there is no specific treatment to manage Congenital Vestibular Disease. For middle or inner ear infection, antibiotics might be required to improve the condition. In case an under-active thyroid is the reason, the disorder will get resolved when the metabolic condition is managed precisely. If the treatment is the root cause then discontinuing the treatment can bring about complete resolution. But there are times when there can be some residual hearing failure. To completely cure this situation, the veterinarian would remove the polyps, but if there are cancerous tumors, then the conclusion is generally less positive.

This disease has a poor prognosis than peripheral form as a result of potential dangers to the brain stem that can be quite devastating. If there is an infection found, it has to be treated. In case of an inflammatory condition, it may react to treatment at first, but it can advance to a point where it could be untreatable. But the most common form of Vestibular disease - the peripheral form - improves swiftly, once the inherent cause is addressed and symptoms of vertigo are managed with supportive care.


Pets - Life Enhancers in Senior Citizens' Life

It's an amazing observation of how people are in a good mood when they are holding a purring cat or playing with puppies and dogs. No matter what age you are, pet animals give us warmest feeling of love, care and importance. Pets are highly beneficial to kids and senior citizens. Today we will talk how a pet helps senior citizens significantly.

Recent studies show that Elderly citizens owning and handling animals are prominently benefited in areas of their health, emotional and are happy in having a pet around them. They are helping elderly to lead longer happier healthier lives.

Having a pet for elders, we should consider few things. We should look for an older animal, especially when a senior citizen has limited mobility. Bouncy Young pets would tire them jumping and running here and there. Older Pets will be proper to give company to elders. Older pets are well-trained and accustomed to the presence of humans. Older animals are laid-back mostly with their good temperament. You can find older pets from an animal shelter or adoption centres.

Senior citizens who have never owned any pet before the need to know many things. Let them first meet animals. Once they are gelled up and comfortable in presence of animals, move on to next step of choosing the right pet. Getting a perfect pet in terms of personality and lifestyle is essential and important.

Every human needs Nurturing. Especially, elders crave and miss nurturing. Nurturing has defined a person, first as parents, grandparents, friend or spouse. With children and grandchildren growing older, nurturing May no longer required on the personal basis.

Senior citizens might find a circle of friends lessening as interests change, people retire and move, and activities lessen. Having a pet to nurture, and providing that pet with food, comfort, exercise, toys, play and companionship can fill the void in a changing life.

Old age demands to stay physically active. Energy depletes with time and routine exercise is required and many times mandatory too. Walking and chasing with Pets is highly beneficial for elder health. Even few activities like taking walk with pet outside Home proves to be good for their health.

Overall, a senior citizen owning a pet is an excellent idea. Dogs and cats endow with excellent companions and safety to senior citizens. Research shows that seniors with pets are happier and live longer than seniors without pets. Pets have proved to be life enhancers in senior citizens life.


Sunday 28 October 2018

What To Consider When Adopting A Dog

To adopt a dog is an enormous commitment. Many people purchase puppies and then they realize that they need to be potty trained, they can be destructive, and they need to be walked several times a day. Puppies can be horrible holiday gifts for new dog owners because many people are unaware of the responsibility and work they require.

Many puppies go off to the pound because the puppy had an accident and the owners had no time to take the dog out and to provide the attention puppies need. Puppies are not well-developed so it is difficult for me to see any gross abnormalities. I have always met and interacted with the dogs for at least 15 minutes. Under the circumstances of being in an adoption situation, a dog could be more nervous than he would be once established in a forever home. Getting a clear read could be difficult, but sometimes you can get a bit of a gist of how you might get along with a dog by spending a little time with him.

Dogs are frequently surrendered for shocking reasons. People think that dogs who are up for adoption are headaches that other people wanted to get rid of. That couldn't be further than the truth. Here are my suggestions before you acquire a dog:

When you first meet a dog kneel down or squat, hold out your hand (with palm up), and call the dog using a gentle, kind voice to invite the dog to interact. How does the dog respond to you (fearful, aggressive, playful, affectionate... )? Observe the dog's energy level. This is tricky because under the circumstances the dog might (understandably) be hyper or excited). Does everybody's energy work well together? Does everybody get along? I would see how the dog interacts with your family members including other pets, significant others... ) and to see how those people and pets respond to the dog.

Of course you should always ask the people who are in the adoption organization before you do this. The dog can become overwhelmed if he is bombarded with so much stimuli. Just as important as observing the adoptive dog's reaction, it is just as critical to observe the behavior of those significant others and pets when they meet the dog. Is your child fearful of the dog and/or does the child know how to be gentle with the dog? Is the dog comfortable with being handled appropriately (as opposed to pulling at the tail which is not appropriate)? Does he react with fear or anger? Does the dog's energy level match yours? Is the dog too high energy? Person who is very inactive or not available still needs to assure that (especially) a high energy can get enough exercise. A dog who is calmer or older will probably need less exercise. Will you, a family member or a dog walker be able to take the dog out long enough to get that energy out for exercise? It is not unusual for a high energy dog who doesn't get enough exercise to be destructive at home. All dogs need exercise to get their energy out of their system. Is there a park nearby? Are you able to exercise the dog in the backyard (not just let him outside, but to actively play around and throw a ball for at least a couple of hours a day).

Questions to ask the adoption agency before you adopt a dog:

Review details about the dogs with people who have some familiarity with the dogs. Ask questions like: Does the dog have any health issues? What is the dog's background story? Was he abandoned? Abused? Neglected? Why was he/she surrendered? Does the dog have any fears or anxiety about anything in particular that you know of? Is the dog OK with children? Other pets? Are there any behavioral issues that I could address and focus on? Is the dog house trained to go outside?


Know How To Keep Your Dog Athletic & Fit During Winter

High-flying outdoor activities like, running, jumping and playing are the favorites among dogs. These outdoor activities are valuable for their sound physical as well as mental development. Regular workout can reduce the risk of excessive weight gain, indigestion, heart disease and other illnesses. But when the snow-covered almost every area outside your house, it becomes quite difficult to take your barker out for jogging and outdoor exercise.

Small breeds like Poodles, Beagles and Terriers are high-spirited and immensely active. They require more than one hour of daily workout every day to remain strong, fit and vigorous. Even the large breed dogs like German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Dalmatian and Great Dane need a few bursts of exercise each day. However, the snow-covered roads, low visibility, incessant hail storm and the sub-zero temperature make it really hard to take a single step outside the home during winter. And keeping your puppy stationed inside the home and letting him allow to become a couch potato is something you can't afford as a responsible dog owner. So what are the best possible remedies to keep your canine fit and healthy through exercise without taking him outside your residence?

In this article, we are going to offer you some of the useful tips collected from the pet fitness experts that may help you to keep your canine in perfect shape even if you can't find a way to take him out during winter.

Involved your dog with different sorts of indoor exercise- 
Most of the professional dog trainers accept the fact that, chilly winter months are not ideal for outdoor activities and for health and security reasons it is also not a viable option. You can make your dog workout from the comfort and convenience of your home that will keep him in good shape for years to come. We have rounded up some of the useful calorie-busting workouts for your dog that can be done indoors:

Play Fetch - The most popular game that you can play with your dog inside the house is fetch. To play this game you need to pick a suitable spot in your home (not necessarily the place has to be extremely large as a playground) just make sure he is not going to get himself hurt or destroy any of your home furnishing items. You can make use of a quality dog toy or ball. You simply need to throw it to some distance and ask your dog to bring it back to you. It is an excellent fitness regime that you can follow indoors.

Play Catch- Almost same as fetch, playing catch is another calorie-busting game you can play with your canine during winter. You need to toss-up his favorite toy or a ball in the air and make him catch it and fetch it to you. After couple of round is over, for a change you can play catch into different rooms within the house.

Put your dog on the treadmill- If you have a treadmill in your house, get your dog on it. Slowly turn it on and increase the difficulty level gradually. It is a remarkable way to make your canine healthy even during the harsh winter months.

Make use of your stairs- No treadmill in your house? Don't need worry. Up and down the stairs with your dog is an excellent replacement for a treadmill session. Moving up and down the stairs can help your pooch to boost his endurance, gain better body balance and acquire more strength naturally.

Dog trainers for aggressive dogs viewed all these indoor activities as fabulous cardio exercise that will help him to remain at the top of his fitness without putting a step outside the home during cold months.

Dog toys and mind games - Mind games that you can play inside the house are another great way to quench your barker's thirst for mental simulation. There are multiple dog toys available in the market that can help you out for serving this mission. Highly interactive brain games can erase boredom, enhance IQ of your puppy and solidify the bond between two of you as you work together as a team.

Food Dispensing Machine- They are excellent boredom-busters. Owners can make use of this machine not only as a food dispenser but as an attractive toy. Stuff the food dispensing machine for dogs with a great variety of treats and tasties. Make sure every time it dispenses different types of foods. This will make your dog eagerly wait for the next meal or rather the next surprise. This eagerness will accelerate his metabolism and aid his digestion.

Kibble Hunt- Instead of placing the food straight in front of him, make him find it all by himself. Place the food in various places such as underneath rugs, behind the doors, under a table and make him hunt for it. It will keep him moving all the time and he will remain physically active.
Chewing Toys- The best way to prevent your dog from chewing your expensive shoes or other things in your house is offering him chewing dog toys. Dog chew toys are useful items to keep your puppy busy and divert them into some quiet physical activity. Bell Dog Chew Toy, Squawkin' Rubber Toys, Rubber Bite Bone for Dogs are some of the fantastic chewing toys you can opt for.

Puzzle Toys- For the overall mental development of your dog, puzzle toys could prove really instrumental. By solving different types of puzzles at various difficulty levels, your pup can effectively release built up energy in a positive manner. It is not surprising that dog owners all over the world use puzzle toys such as Squeaky Sounding Chew Toys, Pet Intelligence Toy Feeder etc. especially during winter for the mental development of their four-legged friend when the chances of interacting with other dogs outside the home are limited.

These are the specialized ways to keep your pup athletic, fresh, physically fit and wise even when the weather is uninviting outside. You just need to make sure the toy you are buying for your dog is made of top-quality material and absolutely safe.


Saturday 27 October 2018

Reasons You Should Get a Bed for Your Dog

A dog is a man's best friend, we have all heard that. But that best friend of ours deserves a small space of his own. It is not just for comfort but has so many more benefits. The following are some of the benefits.

- Cushioning for joints and bones:

When the dogs get older, a comfortable spot of his own would be very helpful. This is especially beneficial in the case of overweight or arthritic dogs. Dog beds would give them extra support and cushioning for joints.

- Private spot:

You can have one or more dog beds. That way the dog has his own spot in the house where they can get privacy. Your dog will love that. We all love privacy; our furry friends deserve a private spot too.

- Protection and security:

The dogs can fall asleep anywhere but is that good for them? They might get cold or fall ill if the spots they sit or sleep on aren't clean. Having dog beds would ensure that they are well protected and secure.

- Insulation:

Now how would you feel if you had to sleep in a cold weather without a blanket? You would freeze, right? The dogs are furry but it's still important that they are warm and comfy. Dog beds provide them with insulation for warmth and comfort. It ensures their good health.

- Injury Prevention:

It's impossible to keep dogs from jumping on furniture when they try and find a good spot for themselves. This can often lead to injuries. If you have a smaller breed you know how delicate they are. If you have a dog bed, you will be able to prevent any kind of injury.

Kinds of dog beds:

Yes, you read that right. There is a variety of dog beds. They can be divided into three kinds.

- Super Support Beds 
- Lounging Beds 

- Nestling Beds

If you notice your dogs while sleeping, it will give you an idea of what kind of bed is suitable for them. Ever noticed how dogs fall asleep on sofas, beds, and cushions? They yearn for comfort. Some dogs like to curl up, some like to sleep on their tummy, and some like to stretch out. These are the clues that help you decide on the type of bed they need. It's time to give your furry little friend a bed that makes them comfortable and happy. Have you noticed any such clues? Let us know.


Top Three Factors Why Your DOG Needs A Dog Trainer

A lot of pet owners struggle to house train their dogs due to lack of dog trainers. It is certainly true that a dog trainer is a lifeblood for training any fussy furry pal having behavioral issues. He is a wonderful resource to help pet behave in the right manner and develop techniques to help them overcome their aggressive nature or teach them good habits. Though it takes much time and at times pet may ignore the commands, your pet can benefit hugely from obedience training.

Not Listening to Owners

Not all breeds are easier to train. Some are easier, whereas some are tough shells to break. However, all canines can be trained to fall into the league to follow simple commands. Pet owners get frustrated when they command their pooch to sit and the furry pal just barks back or run away from them. If you have to shout or nag or repeatedly give them the command before they listen to you, it straightly means that they lack respect towards you. Some pet owners may be wondering that their pets obey them most of the time, but still do they need a dog trainer. If your pet doesn't give a heed to simple commands at the very first time, it is likely that opting a dog professional would be really beneficial.

Though your furry pal listens to you, it is good to hire a dog trainer to improve the ability of your dog to always obey your commands and behave in the shell even in the presence of others.


Barking is a natural instinct of canines. This is the way of their communication through which they express their emotions and feelings such as pain, anger, fear, and excitement, to the human world. Nevertheless, this becomes abnormal when a dog's barking becomes excessive. For example, even if for a small thing like a moving car, a passerby, a pet cat, a little sound from TV or a presence of a guest, your pooch barks it seems wrong.

Excessive barking may be related to behavioral issues pertaining to separation anxiety, stress, attention seeking, barking out of boredom or loneliness. A professional dog trainer can very well understand the underlying issue of your pooch and can help in to assess out the right theory in order to correct his behavior and carries on a few techniques to help your pooch wad out of this problem.


Normally, dogs like to lick to show their feelings of love and attachment with their owner. Canines are social and playful creatures. At times, Fido may start licking aggressively on his owner's face or hand, and they may even lick to the strangers or the guests in the house. Owners may take it wrongly thinking that their dog is really lovable and is affectionate towards everybody, even those coming to the front door.

However, you need to understand that this pet behavior is not likely to be appreciated or liked by outsiders especially small kids and old people. And, if you have a large breed dog, then there is every possibility that your dog with his huge body and powerful stamina can overpower the person. A qualified dog trainer knowing rightly to handle such dogs can help your furry pal to control his excitement a little bit, and under training, he can learn to greet people without licking.

A dog trainer is really helpful if you think you need to house-train your pooch or in case if he is facing some particular behavioral issue.

We love our four-legged companions but training can help them to mingle in human society very smoothly without any complaint from the outsiders or neighbors.
