Friday 19 October 2018

Preparation for Dog Potty Training

Potty training is the training that teaches your dog the proper way to eliminate. This training is vital the moment your dog takes it's first step into your home.

Dog Potty Training is much easier to do when you have arranged a space which will serve as the place for your potty training. For dog owners who live in apartments or in high buildings, a dog litter is an appropriate tool. Another alternative is the use of newspaper. But using this can be a messy process when you have to get rid of your dog's waste.

Before introducing potty training for your dog, you must be prepared. Here are some suggestions:

Monitoring the intake of food in regular intervals.

This will help you with the right timing when you have to bring your pet to the area where the dog can do the potty training. The potty break for a normal puppy is usually six times daily. For adult dogs, this usually happens once daily. However, there are variances for much younger puppies. They usually reach eight to ten times daily. Moreover, this also depends on the type of food that you will introduce to your puppy.

Using commands is also advised.

These commands must be associated with what the dog is doing. Since you are training a puppy, you have to exert more patience. Expect that your pet will not get this for the first time. What is needed is that you have to be consistent with the training until your pet is already familiar with the training.

The right equipment.

A crate, a leash can be used when dog potty training your dog.

The right timing.

The BEST and MOST practical method of training is to ANTICIPATE the need! Usually, the amount of time a puppy can be left fenced in without being allowed to go outside is directly proportional to his age in months:

1. 2 months old = 2 hours of being fenced in without a potty break

2. 3 months old = 3 hours of being fenced in without a potty break

3. 4 months old = 4 hours of being fenced in without a potty break

4. etc. - up to about 6 - 8 months of age.

If there are any changes in your canine's activities, such as after waking up, playing, or eating, you SHOULD take you puppy to the place where he should eliminate.

Using Words to Teach

Do not touch or threat your puppy while it is eliminating. Such acts could cause your puppy or dog to stop the act as it was interrupted. Instead, praise them verbally with an upbeat tone while they are doing the act, not afterwards. Generally, dogs/puppies will pee first then poop afterwards. Get to know your dog's habits so you can anticipate for defecation and use a specific word or command for it (i.e.; "do number 2", "go poop", etc.).

There are also signs that your puppy will give you every time he wants to have a potty break, such as, he might suddenly stop playing, go around in circles, sniff around, runs out of the room, or an "expression" on his face. You might not notice this at first but eventually, you will be more familiar with these "hints" from your puppy/dog.

Note: To help you with potty training your puppy, take a look via the following link "House Training Your Puppy" for simplified, easy to follow techniques to help you potty train your puppy.


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