Tuesday 16 October 2018

Reasons Not to Repeat Commands to Your Dog

When working with your dog it is very important to not repeat commands that you give. There are many reasons why you should not repeat to your dog. Unfortunately, most people do not realize how detrimental this can be to your relationship with your dog.

When working with your dog it is very easy to fall into the trap of repeating a command when your dog does not do the command immediately. Many people repeat over and over before the dog actually performs the command. This becomes a pattern between you and your dog. You give the command several times and then your dog may or may not do what you say. This creates frustration for both you and your dog! Sometimes your dog truly does not know what you want from her, but sometimes she is just so used to hearing the command two or three times before she has to do it. In your dog's mind "sit, sit, sit" becomes the command. Even though this is not your intention, it is what your dog has learned.

Some dogs, like children, don't believe you are serious the first time you say the command. They know that you will repeat it several times and then they may do what you are telling them to do. It is very important to mean what you say the first time you say it! If you tell a child to go clean his room over and over and never follow through and make him do it, he probably never will. But, if you tell your child to go clean his room and make him do it the first time you say it, he will learn that this is what is expected of him. He will learn to clean his room the first time you tell him to and you won't have to make him do it anymore. Dogs are just like this. They need to understand what you want and that you want it done the first time you give the command.

If you want your dog to do what you say the first time, you need to make sure that you reinforce this behavior. Give your dog the "sit" command and make sure to say it only one time. If she doesn't "sit" right away, make her by putting her into the "sit" position and then praise her for doing it. This is how you will have a dog that does what you want the first time you say what you want. You will no longer have to repeat commands!


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