Wednesday 17 October 2018

Top 4 Puppy Meal Time Rules

Much of the training that you will do with your puppy revolves around giving a reward - a treat or titbit - so it is essentially centered on food. It follows that meals themselves should be controlled and calm affairs which are led by you setting the mealtime rules. Don't forget the puppy obedience training basics, you are the dominant leader and you eat first and decide when the pack eats.

The four meal time rules

Rule 1. Don't feed your puppy between meals. All your family and any visitors to your home must follow this rule. You are the leader and sole provider of food and your puppy must understand this.

Rule 2. Don't have set times when you feed your puppy. If your puppy does not know when his meal is coming he will not anticipate it. You will re-enforce the notion that you are the leader and you decide when the pack eats. Make sure that he understands that you eat first - even if it's just a cup of coffee and a biscuit! To start off, let him see you eating before you feed him. Never feed him just before you sit down to eat - it will appear to him that he is eating before you and belittle your authority.

Rule 3. Never allow any jumping about or barking at meal times. It should be a calm and quiet affair. If the puppy is excitable then wait before you feed him, just ignore him and get on with doing something else. When he is calm, give the meal then walk away - making the point that you, the leader, have decided he can now eat.

Rule 4. Don't let your puppy walk away from his food. He must learn that he has no control over meals. If he does get distracted and goes to play instead of eating, then take the food away and do not give anything until the next scheduled meal. This may seem rather cruel and harsh but he has to realize that a meal is just that, and he does not have any choice in when he eats. He will learn this lesson very quickly indeed!

Meal Time Rules show that you are the leader. Remember that food and your control over it are very powerful tools in demonstrating to your puppy that you are the leader of the pack and are in control of every aspect of his life. This isn't cruel, you are putting your puppy at ease by showing his status - just as in the wild - and he will feel relaxed knowing that you are in control and making all the decisions. All he has to do is be good and enjoy himself!


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