Thursday 11 October 2018

Dog Steps Could Save Your Dog From Drowning

Swimming is an excellent exercise for dogs, as it is a non-weight-bearing activity, so your dog can exercise vigorously without damaging her joints. Using dog steps in the pool provides a safe, easy escape for your dogs that like to swim. 

Swimming workouts for your dog are a great substitute for other more rigorous exercising such as running and ball chasing. It is an excellent exercise that increases your dog's heart rate while burning calories. Swimming can be wonderful therapy for obese, geriatric, or arthritic dogs. Best of all, swimming is fun for your pooch. 

With that said, each year approximately 40,000 pets die in drowning accidents. Animals are just as curious about the water as children. If you do not take the necessary precautions, the pool can be a real danger to your beloved pet. Using pool steps made specifically for your dog allows your dog to participate in your favorite family water activities and gives your pet independence to access to your pool without assistance from you. That means you can stay dry! 

Dog stairs like the PoolPup Steps were designed specifically for dogs accessing the pool. The PoolPup Steps were developed by a pair of dog breeders for the sole purpose of preventing canine drowning accidents. These doggy steps have slip-proof grit strips to ensure solid footing for your dog and contain no holes that paws can get stuck in. Most dogs can't get footing to climb out using a standard pool ladder but can easily learn to use these dog pool steps safely. Once installed, you train your dog to know the step's location and then she has the ability to save herself. 

Most people think that all dogs can swim; I mean, the term "doggy paddle" had to come from somewhere, right? In reality, there are some breeds that swim far better than others; and some breeds that are better suited for dry land. It's all about the proportions; if your dog has a large chest and comparatively tiny legs like the Pug, Dachshund, and Bassett Hound, your best bet is probably a doggie life jacket to accompany the dog pool stairs. But, even these non-swimming dogs can have fun if you provide safe dog stairs to overcome the added physical challenges associated with trying to climb out of the pool. 

Whether you have a dog that's 4 pounds or 150 pounds, the PoolPup Steps are the way to enjoy your summer days around the pool knowing your dog can swim safely.


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