Monday 22 October 2018

Secrets to Stop Your Dog Chasing

Some dogs love to chase, they'll chase anything that moves be it a car, a person, another animal, a kid on a bicycle...anything. While at times this behavior is harmless, other times it can be extremely annoying and a real danger risk. A dog that runs out onto the street to chase a car is in serious danger of being hit and injured, even killed. Kids riding bikes are not safe either; they are often easy targets for dogs.

You can avoid the horrible situation of losing your dog by working through some techniques to curb your dog's behavior. It's vital that you work on training your dog as the alternative may mean you lose your dog for good, a terrible situation to think about.

To start training your dog not to chase, buy a leash. Walk with your dog on the leash and try to keep your dog calm. Avoid are yelling at your dog when it takes off, this is dangerous for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it may result in your dog chasing even harder and putting itself in more danger, or your dog abruptly stopping in the middle of the street, another undesirable outcome. Using a leash is the best way to start training your dog not to chase. 

The next step in training is to make your dog heel on command. When your dog heels on command before crossing a street, give a little praise but no more than this. Excessive praise will make your dog excited and less responsive to your commands. For the extra piece-of-mind consider using a long leash even once your dog has proven that it can obey your instructions.

One of the easiest and most effective ways to train your dog to heel is to practice walking around with your dog and stop occasionally and say "Heel". When you dog follows this command, reward it with a treat. In time he will learn that this is good behaviour and he will begin to follow your instructions. If your dog is too hyperactive, or simply isn't learning using this method, you might want to consider getting advice from a professional dog trainer or using a dedicated dog training manual.

When your dog has mastered the heel command you will be able to walk your dog with much more confidence. It's important that you don't get too carried away in praising your dog as this will only make him excited and possibly revert back to bad behaviors.


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