Saturday 20 October 2018

Exercise Your Dog - Help For Owners of Older Dogs

If your newly adopted dog is making your life miserable instead of pleasurable as you had hoped, please read on for a possible solution to your problem? Or, if you are considering adopting an older dog, read on and learn about a preventative measure that very well may help you avoid a similar scenario.

Firstly, remember, a dog wants nothing more than to please his owner. So, a dog that drives his owner crazy instead, is doing so for a reason. Many of the bad behaviors that upset a household are the direct result of hyperactivity. Such behaviors may include destruction of furniture or carpets, digging holes in the yard, running away, incessant barking, jumping up on anyone within his reach, whining, or poor eating habits. Or, perhaps your dog is exhibiting psychological symptoms, like pacing, panting and maybe even biting.

The hyperactivity, in turn, is the direct result of boredom and the lack of physical activity. So, rather than spend your money on a trainer or even a dog psychologist, simply eliminate the cause of the hyperactivity. Get off your butt and exercise your dog!

Think about it. What a great solution. It's free, painless, beneficial and even enjoyable - to both you and your dog. Actually, I can't imagine any responsible dog owner not having a regular exercise regimen for his dog. After all, what better way is there to build a genuine relationship with your dog? And isn't this the main reason we bring a dog into our home. And there are so many physical activities that you can do with your dog.

If you have a senior dog, you would be wise to have him first checked by a vet so you will know your dog's limits. Even if your dog is on the younger side, all dogs are different and have different tolerances. A visit to the vet would be a good precautionary measure for younger dogs as well.

The key to a beneficial workout for your dog is to work up to a good heart rate. A key indicator is when your dog exhibits a good pant. Be sure to have intermittent periods of rest mixed in, especially if your dog begins to wheeze along with very heavy panting.

Vary the form of exercise but make sure its something that you enjoy doing because its important to continue these activities regularly. And remember, what you call exercise, your dog thinks of it as play or even an adventure.

Methods of exercise and play


Certainly daily walks should be a part of every dog's routine. Besides providing exercise, walks allow your dog to associate with other people and other dogs, so they contribute to your dog's socialization, which is just as important as the exercise. Naturally you will want to have your dog leashed at all times; and, if you haven't trained your dog to walk properly on a leash, now is the time to do it. The training manual I recommend at the end of this article will provide the guidance you need to train your dog to walk calmly beside you rather than yanking your arm out of the socket.

Another benefit of walks -- they contribute to a dog's mental health. Your dog will get to explore, discover new places and things, sniff, mark their territories, and just have an all around good time. Be sure to walk at a brisk pace, but also be sure to give your pooch opportunities to investigate the terrain up close. Many dog owners prefer the Flexi-leash, so your dog can roam a bit more. I recommend its use only after your dog has learned to walk by your side and to heel on command.


Two options here. Find a large fenced in area to run your laps and allow your dog to run freely at his own pace, to stop when he is tired, and to sniff of course. Or, if you prefer to run on the open road, be mindful of your dog's conditioning. If you've been jogging for a long time, you may be in shape for those 5 or 10Ks but perhaps not so for your dog. Give him time to catch up to your conditioning.


If your dog takes to water, consider yourself lucky. This is a form of exercise that will not adversely effect your dog's joints since it's a non-weight bearing activity. Swimming is very beneficial for older dogs prone to joint problems. You can join your dog if it's a pool or you can play fetch if it's a pond.


The quintessential dog exercise. You can get quite creative. But first make sure your dog knows how to fetch and doesn't turn it into a game of keep away. The Secrets of Dog Training Manual (link below) will help you teach Fido the proper rules of fetch. When you introduce your dog to the object of the fetch, associate it with a reward and praise. If your dog doesn't take to the object he may need some encouragement.

They have toys with cavities that allow you to put a treat inside to give your dog that added incentive to pay attention to the object. In the beginning, simply allow your dog to prance around with the toy in his mouth as you provide generous amounts of praise when he brings it to you. As you grab it from him, give him a treat. He'll begin to get the idea that when he retrieves the object you throw, he'll get a treat. Later you can replace the treat with an "attaboy".

You can start with simply throwing a tennis ball. Then for extra distance, use a tennis racquet. But don't get in a rut. Use ropes, squeak toys, small sticks. There are so many creative fetch toys available to keep the game interesting. Kong is a manufacturer of such toys 


Now here is an activity that the whole family can enjoy together. Just locate a trail (that allows dogs), have the family jump in the car, including Rover, pack plenty of water (take more than you think you'll need -- because you will need it), and hit the road Jack. A Flexi-leash would be ideal for those areas that require dogs to be leashed. Otherwise, you may want to allow your dog some supervised freedom. More than likely, he'll run up ahead, constantly looking back to make sure his people are in sight and zig-zag from one side of the path to the other, happily picking up new scents, observing new sights, and stimulating his mind -- mental and physical exercise rolled into one fun adventure.

The Dog Park

What a wonderful place for your dog to frolic and fool around with lots of his peers. If you're lucky enough to have one of these close by, this can be a weekly outing that will certainly fill the bill when it comes to physical activity and social growth. Try this link to locate your nearest dog park 


Kind of a variation of fetch, but it's the catch that adds a little excitement to a good game of Frisbee with your dog. I've learned that dogs either get this and love it, or they simply don't make the connection that they are supposed to grab it before it lands. If yours does, enjoy! Two precautions however -- keep the throws low enough so your dog doesn't risk injury and be sure to purchase a soft Frisbee made just for dogs. This'll prevent a chipped tooth or a bloody lip.

Boomer Ball

If you have a dog that's on the large side of the spectrum, you can really have a blast playing Boomer Ball. These exercise balls, built just for dogs, resemble bowling balls but come in lots of sizes. They are virtually indestructible and DOGS LOVE THEM! You can get into a fast pace game of soccer with your dog that'll offer both of you with an excellent workout. Should be easy to find one at your local pet shop, or just google "boomer ball" to find one online.

Safety Precautions

Use common sense when you exercise your dog, and at the very least, heed these safety tips.

· Do not do any of these with your dog while he is leashed - ride a bike, skateboard, rollerblade

· Don't exercise when its extremely hot or extremely cold

· Don't exercise immediately before or immediately after your dog's mealtime

· Don't allow your dog off leash around busy traffic areas

After exercising

It's always a good idea to go through a cool down period after a good workout. Be sure your dog gets enough water, and if he's really worked out hard, he may allow you to spray hime down with the garden hose (weather permitting of course). Also be sure to provide plenty of praise so he knows this is a good thing and that you enjoy it as much as he does. After a session of very strenuous exercise, you can rest with your dog beside you while you apply a gentle message to his legs and back (especially beneficial for a senior dog).

I'm sure you will be quickly convinced that playing with your dog is one of those activities that makes dog ownership so enjoyable and rewarding. And remember -- a tired dog is a well-behaved dog. And a tired dog will always have a happy owner.


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