Saturday 20 October 2018

Long Term Benefits of Canine Aqua Therapy

The following is a moving account of how a family eased the pain of a much-loved dog Titan by using aqua therapy. The pictures in this article show other dogs benefiting from this type of therapy.

Turns out that after the first session we actually were impressed with the aqua therapy. So we kept going. Now, a year later, I wanted to share the benefits that Titan has experienced from regular aqua therapy sessions.

• Physical Fitness - Titan's gait and strength are so weak on land, he can't run, or go for the long walks we used too. Working his legs in the buoyancy of water gives him the ability to exercise. In the water he swims vigorously and enjoys himself

• Mental Fitness - Due to physical limitation, Titan has also experienced a decrease in socializing and exploring the outside. Taking him on this "adventure" once a week gives him a new place to explore where he can find new smells every week and look forward to socializing out of the house with his therapist, Tanya.

He gets excited about his swim when you say "ready to go see Tanya?!" He jumps up and tries to get out of bed as fast as he can control his hind leg strength and accuracy. Stimulating an older dog's brain with exercise promotes his best mental capacity and fitness as the oxygenated blood is pumped more rapidly around the body

• Walking Tall - For the following few days after swimming, Titan does walk stronger, but then weakens again as his weekly swimming appointment approaches again. In Titan's situation, his condition is progressive so we swim to maintain a quality of life

However, aqua therapy has had more permanent and lasting results for dog's with other conditions such as hip dysplasia, and even joint surgery

• A Dog's Sense of Self - This point is debatable depending on how much you think your dog has a concept of self. But it seems that especially earlier on as we swam regularly and Titan had better results because his condition had progressed to its present state, he did feel more youthful. He was happier with his new found strength on walks and even would attempt to playfully lunge at birds again, which he hadn't done in a very long time. Or even play with his toys the evening after a swimming session

Aging Dog's And Ethics

Caring for an older dog, often leaves the owner constantly making moral-ethical decisions about the dog's quality of life. We made the right decision for Titan by having him swim once a week. Today, he still walks & manages to get out on the lawn.

It is important to note that Titan's condition is chronic and progressive and can not be cured. At this point we are only seeking symptomatic management and we are getting short-term, well-appreciated results. There are a range of conditions that canine aqua therapy can manage and even treat. Titan looks forward to his swims, and recognizes his therapist's name. It is a joy to watch him drill through the water with an ease that he lacks on land. In Titan's case, each day he is with us is a gift. Time has been generous.


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