Sunday 21 October 2018

Choosing a Dog Collar - Things to Consider When Selecting a Dog Collar

Dog collars are one of the most important things that you can buy for a dog. Choosing the right dog collar is a very important issue that shows how responsible you are as a dog owner. All dogs should have good dog collars. Dog collars are indispensable for walking and exercising dogs and are also very useful for returning and re-claiming lost dogs. A dogs collar also play an important role in their appearance. 

Dogs are not one size fits all and neither are their collars. You will want to make sure to pick a collar that your dog will be comfortable wearing. Even though most dog collars are adjustable, the perfect fit will fall between the biggest and smallest possible size to prevent excess length, or having a collar that is too short to fasten. The best way to measure a dog's neck for a collar is to use a string, then measure the length of the string against a ruler. A dog collar should ride middle on your dog's neck. and should be loose enough to easily fit two fingers under it while being tight enough that it can't slip over the dog's ears. 

There are many different styles of dog collars to choose from depending on your dog's size and nature. The most popular materials are nylon, canvas and leather for both function and fashion reasons. Leather is the most common dog collar material due to its strength, versatility and elegant appearance. The main disadvantage of leather dog collars is that they can develop an odor from the oils in the dogs coat. Nylon dog collars are great light weight options for smaller breeds, while canvas and woven fabric dog collars are fast drying, durable collars for sporty dogs that enjoy the water. These three material options are excellent choices for all dog collars. Just choose the style that best suits your taste as well as your dog's breed and activity level. 

An important feature of a collar is your dog's tags which should include tags that show current vaccinations, permits, and identification. ID tags speak for your dog when they need it the most and can be their only way home when lost. It is important to have current information on your dog's tag, to ensure the fastest rescue. Your custom dog ID tag should include your pets name, your name, street address, city, state, phone number, and emergency phone (work, cell, and vet). 
Designer dog collars are usually those collars made from a fancy nylon pattern of various rainbow colors. The idea of designer dog collars and accessories is a relatively new one in. Designer dog collars are an extension of the dog's outfit. Dog collars laced with gold and other expensive metals are becoming quite common for dog owners who can afford them. Designer dog collars are all about the glamour and the bling. 

A dog collar and leash will be instrumental in the training of your dog. Dog leashes are also an important piece in a dog's accessories. A dog leash allows you to take your dog for a walk while holding on easier so they don't run away or to have something to grab on to when trouble might arise. Some professionals feel that harnesses only encourage pulling and prefer a leash and collar. Many people like the option of using a choke collar on their dogs, especially for training to walk on a leash. A choke collar tightens itself so as to choke the dog, when it pulls the leash. Choke collars should not be used on puppies under a year old and should only be used to leash train a dog. If you are a jogger, a good choice would be a hands-free dog leash for a more a convenient and trouble-free jogging experience with your dog. The retractable dog leash is another groundbreaking product. The retractable leash is an adjustable leash attached to the dogs collar and is retractable and can be drawn back 

Choosing a dog collar the suits your needs may take more thought than you would think. When you consider a dog collar many factors must be taken into account, such as your dogs size, activity, and the style of collar that you want for your dog. With the right information in hand, you will be able to choose the right collar for you and your dog. My oldest dog Max is a Labrador Retriever. We got Max because Labs are known to be good with kids and Max is great with kids. Max is eight years old and has had the same leather dog collar since he has been full grown. My younger dog, Romo, is a Miniature Schnauzer. Romo has been around for over a year and looks cute in his little leather collar with a skull and crossbones hanging from it. The key to choosing a dog collar is a good balance between fashion and function.


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