Friday 29 September 2017

Why Your Dog Pulls On The Leash

Do you find that your dog likes to pull the leash? Before you can actually solve the problem, it is good that we understand the mistakes we made. Next, we need to find out why your dog likes to pull on leash.

Well, our end goal is to stop our dogs from pulling the leash. Before we proceed to talk about the training tricks, let me first brief you some of the real key mistakes that people made when walking their dog.

Mistake #1: Your dog is walking you

If your dog is walking ahead, it simply means that your dog is walking you. The correct way should be that your dog walks beside you.

Mistake # 2: Walking at the wrong timing

Do not walk your dog after he made a mistake. Your dog will misinterpret that walking is a "reward" for him for being naughty. That is how your dog gets too excited and pulls the leash.

Hence, the right way to walk your dog on the leash is to make them walk beside you. If you have a determined dog, you may need to know all of them before you can master the walk.

Now, we need to understand the reasons why your dogs are pulling the leash.

Reason #1: They don't treat you as Pack Leader

Many dogs pull on leash simply because they were allowed to pull since they were puppies. They don't see you as the pack leader. Once they were allowed to walk in front of you, your dogs will no longer pay attention to you.

Reason #2: A form of enjoyment

For your dogs, it is a trip to free themselves to the outside world. Some dogs like exploring, so this condition may seem even obvious on them. 

Now you understand why and it is time to learn how to train your dog not to pull the leash! Anyway, whatever the reason is, leash pulling is unacceptable and usually dangerous.

Generally speaking, the most important thing to remember is to keep your dog calm. If your dog is charged up (Energy Level 10), then getting them to walk calmly on the leash is going to be harder.

This principle is essential and it will definitely help you. There are many techniques you can use to calm down your dog. This is also an important criteria to become a successful Pack Leader. Get more dog training tips online to help you. However, the key is that you must be patient and never give up.


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