Saturday 30 September 2017

6 Big Dog Breeds That Are Gentle Giants

There is a misconception that large dogs are fierce, but this isn't the case. According to dog professionals, most of the large dogs are total softies and all they want to do is snuggle. If you have always wanted a large dog, here are 6 large dog breeds that are simply gentle giants:

Bernese Mountain Dog

Also known as the German the Berner Sennenhund, these dogs is patient and mellow. They are known to be peaceful, easygoing and great family companions. While they are large and may look lazy, they aren't. They require moderate exercises and are excellent in dog sports such as rally, herding, drafting, tracking and agility. A mature dog can weigh and average of 70-120 lbs.

Irish Wolfhound

While they look ferocious, they aren't. Professionals refer to them as true giants with gentle temperaments. The dogs were originally bred in Ireland to hunt wolves, but they make excellent family companions. They get along with almost everyone including strangers, children and other dogs. If planning on keeping these dogs you should have plenty of space. This is because they are huge. They weigh 105-120 pounds and stand at nearly 3 feet tall.


They get their name from their origin-Leonberg, Germany. The dogs are known to be loyal, friendly and sweet. While the dogs are great to have, you should remember that they were originally bred as search and rescue dogs. Due to this, they tend to be diggers and chewers. Leonbergers are also sloppy drinkers and eaters. This makes them not a good choice if you like keeping your home pristine. If you are ready to overlook these "flaws", the dogs are great family companions.


These fluffy giants are affectionate and great family companions. They stand 26-28 inches and can weigh up to 150 pounds. While they are good with all family members, they have been shown to greatly love children. While they can exercise in the field, they are happiest when in the water or when snuggling on the couch with family members.


They are characterized by a solid build and short muzzle. The dogs' bloodlines are drawn from the extinct Old English bulldog and English Mastiff. They weigh 100-130 lbs and like snuggling with family members. Since they were originally bred to guard estates they are still good guard dogs thus can guard your home and children. They easily adapt to new environment thus can comfortably live almost anywhere.

Great Dane

They are one of the tallest dog breeds in existence. The world record holder for the tallest dog was a Great Dane named Zeus. Zeus died aged 5 years and measured 111.8 cm from paw to shoulder. Due to the dogs' large size, they can have behavior problems when improperly trained and socialized; therefore, if planning of having the dog as your pet, have him properly trained.


These are some of the largest dog breeds that are gentle giants. For you to get a good dog ensure that you get it from a reputable shelter.


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