Saturday 30 September 2017

5 Heartwarming Motivations Behind Adopting Small Dogs

Small dogs also known as toy dogs or miniature dogs are symbols of cuteness personified and they bring in a lot of positive energy that enthralls their owners. But dog lovers are circumspect about getting small tykes because they are very hard to train due to their cuteness. A possible solution to the problem is to commence the training early by overlooking their good looks. Slowly, but gradually, these small pals will turn into the most obedient and trained pets that you will ever find.

The other concern of dog lovers is that small pooches are high maintenance pets that are exclusively meant for billionaire daughters. But since these furry pals have smaller coats they need only occasional grooming, resulting in lower maintenance costs than their larger counterparts. So if you are looking for a furry friend to be your perfect companion or act as a friend to your children get a small doggie.

Let us now divert our attention to the emotional factors i.e.; heartwarming motivations behind the adoption of small dogs.

Do not grow in size

When you adopt a dog you look at his good looks and wonder whether he will retain the same cuteness throughout his lifespan. But the fact is that with age, the size of the dog increases and the cuteness factor eventually subsides. The good thing is small tykes do not grow in size with age, which would give you a feeling that they are a puppy throughout their lifespan irrespective of their age. Isn't it a heartwarming feeling to get a lifetime puppy?

Do not take as much space as large dogs

Due to the small size of these dogs they need comparatively less space than larger dogs. They are tailor-made for smaller apartments. So the next time you decide on adopting a furry pal and are thinking about space constraint a small tyke will perfectly fit the bill.

Easy to take them along with you

Unlike larger dogs, small pooches are easy to pick-up, transport and carry around. So you can take them along on different places where you cannot even think of taking larger dogs. The positive aspect of this is you will be able to take them with you so they will not be left alone at home.

Longer lifespan than larger dogs

It has been observed that small minions tend to have higher life expectancy than large dogs. Some of them even cross 15 years of life. So, if you want to get old with your furry pal; these dogs are the best choice.

Less dangerous for children than the larger ones

While large dogs can bite children when they get too rough small tykes pose less danger to children due to their extremely cuddling nature.


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