Saturday 23 September 2017

Which Is Best, Puppy Or Older Dog?

Which Is Best, Puppy Or Older Dog?

That is a good question and one that is asked quite often. The answer depends on you and how much patience you will have with house training and training a new puppy. Puppies can be a lot of work and require a bunch of your time and energy to keep them out of trouble.

If you go to any shelter or rescue you will see a bunch of dogs that are in the 12 - 18 month age group. Why are so many dogs that age in the shelter? Because their owners got them as a puppy, never trained them and now they are monsters.

That is true, a puppy that is never obedience trained, house trained and exercised properly become a monster to an owner that just will not take on the responsibility to teach the dog what is right and what is wrong.

Now don't get me wrong pups are cute and they can be a whole lot of fun if you are up the challenge. If you are not up to the challenge maybe an older dog would be better for you. When we talk older you can consider anything that is maybe 2 years and older.

Many of these dogs have had some training, are past the chewing stage and with any luck they are house trained as well. Depending on your activity level you may even want to consider a senior dog.
Senior dogs are usually very grateful to have a new home and an attentive new owner. They don't require as much activity as either a pup or a 2 year old dog so they are great for a senior citizen.

So if you opt for an adult dog rather than a puppy there are a few things that you can do to create the bond between man and dog. Start of with a good obedience training program. The training will establish you as the alpha in the pack and will teach the dog some skills that will make it a good member of the family.

Exercise is important for any dog so do what you can to exercise your dog. Walks actually build a true team and allow the dog to see you as the pack leader.

So to answer the question there is no right or wrong. It simply depends on you and which you prefer, a puppy or an adult dog.

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